Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Global Warming.... Or is it Climate Change?

This is some more bullshit people are pushing. I can't understand why everyone is falling for it. At first all I heard was global warming, but then it cooled off for a year or so and the fad got the title of climate change. When will humans realize they are not gods? Realize that they can't control everything? Do we contribute to the environment with our emissions and things. Of course. But if I pee in the ocean at the beach I contribute to the ocean's water level as well. Anyone notice? because I have done that.

global warming 
an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.

Notice that it says, may result. So technically, because the temperature has gone up global warming is happening. But hasn't it happened before? And so has global cooling (a term that will probably become more popular in the future)?

Let's just look at this with simple logic. The world has gotten hot and cold way before industrialization. Heard of the ice age? Extinction of more species happened way before any of this according to scientists. So what the hell makes us think that we can now control the planets weather? It doesn't even make sense. In the 70's people were worried about global cooling. Scientists really don't "know" what they are talking about but they are making educated guesses. The world was flat remember? Newton's theories have been proved wrong. Darwin says we evolved, but I haven't seen any monkeys becoming humans. The history of recorded climates is rather recent in comparison to the Earth's age. But they say there have been hotter periods than now and cooler ones. It is all bullshit.

Now don't get me wrong because I am all about energy conservation and taking better care of the home God has created for us. What annoys me is that they use fear to get people to do these things. These are the same tactics cultures and governments used that we study throughout history yet we still fall for it. To base policies and taxes on unfounded science because we will destroy our planet is crap. We should use what we have better. Stop expanding and increasing in population so much and maybe nature would have a better chance of keeping things on the level regardless of humans minor contributions. 75% of the world is water so humans aren't there. We don't inhabit all of the other 25%. So let's say we take up about 17-20% of the entire planet. So from that small percent, we can control how this entire planet works. I wonder what God thinks as he looks down on us. Our cars and plants aren't that damn bad.

I read an article in Time a while back that was titled something like "How Global Warming is causing Extinctions." But the whole article talked about deforestation, expansion, and poachers. Then like a quick blurb was placed on global warming and how it contributed as well. WTF! But the title was about global warming.

Legalize marijuana!

I am all about legalizing weed. In fact, I would probably help campaign for it. The fact that it is not legal makes absolutely no sense. NONE! All arguments are false. For the record, I have never smoked weed in my life and probably never will. But our last 3 presidents definitely have, and one of them even admits to using cocaine. If I had it my way all drugs would be legal in some regulated fashion but that is another story.

It is simply absurd that alcohol and cigarettes are legal but not marijuana. I have been around all three heavily in my lifetime. Weed is definitely the best of the three. Weed doesn't damage your liver or lungs. Weed isn't addictive. There is no serious withdrawal affects. Alcohol related crimes are way higher than weed. I've rarely seen an angry high person, but I frequently see angry and violent drunks. That kourage koolaid ain't nothing to play with. Yet, weed is the one that is not legal.

Some have the argument that weed is a gateway drug. Bullshit. Most people I know that smoke don't do more than smoke. They don't get high as much as I see smokers toting. Hell, if anything is a gateway it is alcohol or cigarettes. I don't know a single cheefer that doesn't smoke cigarettes or drink, or have done those at some point in the past. The gates are opened with either alcohol or cigarettes.

Financial considerations. How much money could we bring in if we taxed weed like we do cigarettes and alcohol? A ridiculous amount. How much would we save from not having to prosecute, monitor, and incarcerate? Another large sum. Maybe we wouldn't be losing lives at the borders in Mexico right now. How would the peace pipe help negotiations with our leaders? But seriously, if weed was legal right now in America it would easily be in the top 5 agricultural products out there. At first there may be some cost to crack down on your neighborhood dealer, but eventually that would go away. I mean, why buy it illegally and risk trouble when it is right at the corner store? How often do we go get moonshine now?

Then comes the kids. Whatever. Beer commercials are everywhere. They say kids who smoke do worse in school. How many of those did bad before they started smoking? They don't tell that stat though. I understand there are studies that show weed affects a developing brain just like alcohol and most other drugs would. Weed makes people lazy. This is one of the things I tend to believe from what I've seen. But really, those people were just as lazy before they started smoking. We have already seen you can make it to the highest office after smoking weed. Entertainers smoke. Some of the richest and brightest people in the world smoke. Hell, our president can't quit smoking cigarettes but he stopped smoking weed.

I truly don't get all the high and mighty feeling about weed being so bad. If someone can give me some good reasons why it is not then I am willing to listen. Only reason I can think of is that the government hasn't figured out a good way to control it and tax it.

Everyone should have the right to marry! But don't they?

Besides PETA, gays are the most outspoken group out there. And for me, just like PETA there cause goes unseen to me because they make too much noise. All the time you hear about gay marriage now and how gays should have the right to marry. Is everyone missing something? They do have the right. John can go marry Sarah, and Jill can marry Bob. Meaning, they can get married but they choose not to.

As far as I can tell, laws and rules must have some morals behind them. That is the only way a system can work. Otherwise, everything goes. So it goes with marriage. I'm not going to go on a faith based reasoning because government should be separate from religion. Scientifically, a male and female are need to procreate (not so much now with science and surrogate mothers). But there have to be some sort of boundaries. If you start allowing same sex marriages, then why not polygamy? Why not allow pedophiles to marry kids? Let people marry animals or other non-human things? It becomes a slippery slope. Hey, a lot of it sounds crazy, but a century ago what did people think about gay marriage?

Gays are people to. I understand that, and for the most part they don't bother me. The loud activists, flamboyant males, and the butch females do annoy me sometimes but so do plenty of straight people like PETA. But people have to follow laws that are based on morals. Pedophiles are people to. For me, not close to gays but not that far away either. I don't want either living next to me and my kids so I have to explain things to them before they should have to think about it.

Eventually, same sex marriage will become legal. It is the "In" thing these days. I wish like a fad it would go away but like roaches, this movement is hard to kill. Why they can't be happy, I don't know. Gay is not a gender or race. It is some created group. And just like any other group in this country there are certain things you just can't do. Teenagers can't drink. Obese people can't competitively cheer. Gays can't get married. Let's move on!