First I think it is important for me to say that I commend the president for pushing health care reform. Someone had to initiate these talks and he certainly has done that. Nothing this major has been tried for well over a decade. We had a republican president and democrat congress for part of that time although there was a 2 year period where republicans had a majority in congress and nothing was done.
There is a lot of talk concerning preexisting conditions. No in order to prevent insurance from not accepting those with preexisting conditions, basically means the requirement of everyone citizen to have health insurance. Can't just let people wait till they get sick to go and get health insurance. That throws an automatic loss on to a companies books and is not fair at all. I also understand why insurance currently makes it very difficult for someone with a preexisting condition to get anything affordable. So it seems to me that you must have a public option or free health care if you make this practice illegal.
That would bring us to a public option which I am completely against. It seems like a way to a single payer system in the future. As time goes on and costs spiral for the public option the government will simply change the rules to make this system more affordable and favorable for them. Furthermore, how can a private company compete with the government? Government makes the rules. Government has an unlimited budget. Government doesn't have to make a profit. Government has far less business related costs. I heard the president say they will do things to even out the playing field. Yet, in a bill so large it seems that many loop holes will remain. And why would we believe the government can control costs of something as large as this? The president says he won't pass anything that adds to the budget but I don't see how a public option won't. You will have a heavy influx of people who you will now have to pay for. How much can those who can't afford it now really pay? And how much will you have to supplement them? We already give people money in this country when they don't make enough money. Now we will be giving them more. Also won't people try and go to the doctor more frequently? I just don't see the balanced budget occurring without all the extremely optimistic savings they expect coming to fruition.
Democrats and liberals say the public option will create competition to drive down costs. Republicans and conservatives have other methods that they think will create competition such as removing state to state borders. Neither of these answer the question I have. Why does it cost so much? If the cost of health care does not come down nothing else seems to matter. So why not just focus on bringing down cost? All this can't just be blamed on the insurance companies. I heard on the radio recently that insurance companies have relatively low profit margins compared to other industries. I hope that congress doesn't vilify CEOs of this industry like they did AIG. Their salary and bonus information was requested by congress. Seems like their is only one good reason to want that information.
This brings me to looking at tort reform. Tort is any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought. Lawsuits basically. The cost of doing business for doctors is so high because of the insurance they have to pay for themselves. They often practice defensive medicine because of this. Why not cap the amount suits can be for? Or something. The law suits and things are getting out of hand. Tort reform seems like it should be one of the first things on the table.
And where are the health care providers going to come from? We already have a shortage without all the uncovered. Fewer medical students want to become primary care doctors because there is no money to be made, but primary care physicians are the first line of health care. This means there is a definite need for more primary care doctors, otherwise even if more people have insurance where will they get the care? For those who do have it, this may end up creating more of a wait for you.
I'm just bringing up things that I have thought about and that I think we should all be concerned with. In the end, no system will be perfect. We must hope that are political leaders put their differences aside and truly work together to come up with the best bill possible. At this point, they have not done that. In fact, since the new administration has come in things have been very partisan. 90% support from one side and 5% support from the other. Being the centrist that I am, legislation of this magnitude being forced through by one side would be very disappointing. It would probably cause my voting to change in the coming years.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Health Care Pt. 1
President. Get it together playa. From where I sit your leadership is looking real suspect. You champion this cause yet you hadn't read the bill while you were out promoting it. Though no specific bill exists yet. But in the press conference I watched, you had no answers. You just stated the problem and why there was a need for change. IS that what a leader does? Is that what one does about a topic that is supposed to be so important? You came with no answers. You were just a salesman. Very disappointing. Furthermore you like all the other politicians continue to lie or use misleading information. For example, the AARP was not behind your plan yet on several occasions you said they were. You like others continue to throw this misleading number of 46 million uninsured. In reality, this number only includes those who were uninsured at any period during the year. So that includes those in between jobs. That also includes illegal aliens and those who can afford to buy health insurance but choose not not. That number also includes those who are eligible for other government care but either have not applied, are unaware, or don't care. So that number is probably half of that. Also Mr. President, please stop using the example of the post office and ups and fedex. That is a silly example to me. Sure those are private companies doing well against a public option. I think their target business is a bit different first of all. But your example is perfect for showing how government can't run something right and the private sector can. The post office is always losing money and constantly raising stamp costs. So why would that argument with a little thought, want me to go with the idea of you creating a public option that would be just like the post office? Point to a government program that works financially if there is one. (And if someone knows a major federal program that runs under budget consistently please let me know).
A big misconception out there to me is that health care is the problem. Really, health insurance, access, and cost are the problems. The quality of our health care is some of the best in the world. The problem lies in getting more access to people and controlling the rising cost. These should be the main issues that we focus on. Coming up with ways to change these problems. I've heard several ideas that seem plausible from both sides (rep. and dems). I can even understand doing a major over haul with the thought that some things will only work in conjunction with others. What I don't understand is with this being such a major thing, why rush it? I've always heard the haste makes waste. Only reason I can think of is that you wanted to avoid what is happening now. A lot of scrutiny on the topic. But something this major should be scrutinized. Will it make it more difficult to pass? Yes. It will also hopefully make the bill better for all of us at the same time if it does pass. What I hope is that you and your party don't just push it through because you have the votes. Republicans have good ideas too.
Speaking of republicans. Ya'll are ridiculous. Stop all the whining and complaining about everything. I hear more complaints than ideas from you. All you should be pushing is your ideas and explaining why they are better. When there is only one idea being heard it certainly sounds better than anything else. I know you don't want single payer and public options. Neither do I. But what is it that you want and why will it work the best? The other party are using your words talking about creating competition to lower costs. Show other ways to do that if you have them.
A big misconception out there to me is that health care is the problem. Really, health insurance, access, and cost are the problems. The quality of our health care is some of the best in the world. The problem lies in getting more access to people and controlling the rising cost. These should be the main issues that we focus on. Coming up with ways to change these problems. I've heard several ideas that seem plausible from both sides (rep. and dems). I can even understand doing a major over haul with the thought that some things will only work in conjunction with others. What I don't understand is with this being such a major thing, why rush it? I've always heard the haste makes waste. Only reason I can think of is that you wanted to avoid what is happening now. A lot of scrutiny on the topic. But something this major should be scrutinized. Will it make it more difficult to pass? Yes. It will also hopefully make the bill better for all of us at the same time if it does pass. What I hope is that you and your party don't just push it through because you have the votes. Republicans have good ideas too.
Speaking of republicans. Ya'll are ridiculous. Stop all the whining and complaining about everything. I hear more complaints than ideas from you. All you should be pushing is your ideas and explaining why they are better. When there is only one idea being heard it certainly sounds better than anything else. I know you don't want single payer and public options. Neither do I. But what is it that you want and why will it work the best? The other party are using your words talking about creating competition to lower costs. Show other ways to do that if you have them.
Vick, remorse, and animals
Michael Vick deserved every bit of time he had to do in jail. He deserved to lose all the things that he has over the last 3 years. That being said, he has done his time and we should move forward. Yet I hear and read about so many people who are still so angry. In fact, I heard a christian on a christian show all up in arms. The host was like do you even know what it is to be a christian? We are to forgive. But she just couldn't get it. Nor can I get all the hate? Forgive me, but it was some damn dogs.
The first thing I hear are people talking about he is just doing this and that because he got caught. He is not really sorry. He should have to show remorse. For what? What the hell that got to do with anything? He served his time. You can't tell if a person is remorseful or not. Only that person knows. Or maybe you would say his actions would show it. So if he volunteers and does speaking engagements against it, people will only say he is doing it because he has to. Personally, you don't need remorse as far as I can tell. You did the time and were punished. The punishment is to deter you from doing again. That is what we do when we punish children. Are they really sorry they did all they have done? NO. People get over your self righteousness. We all do wrong. Some more wrong than others.
Animals. Why do people hold more value in animals than humans? People have killed other people and done less time than Vick did. They have raped people or beaten people and done less time. But dogs, no you can't do anything to dogs. What is so damn different about dogs? They are just animals like the ones many of us eat. In fact, certain cultures and places eat dogs. We hear about certain people eating cats. Dogs are domesticated. So are many animals we eat. People kill animals for sport. Kids shoot squirrels and birds for fun. Dogs have attacked me on several occasions and I have been bitten by one of these so called domestic, man's best friend animals. So I don't have any real sympathy for them. People who have large dogs around their small kids are crazy to me. Dummies who make chimps their pet when that pet can kick their ass are dumb as well. They are an animal. Supposedly they have emotions. But they don't really love your ass. Maybe they help keep you from being lonely. To them you are just their provider. Somebody else was feeding them they would be just fine.
So you can see why I don't understand why people are making Vick out to be the worst person ever. People value these dogs more than they do humans. This world just doesn't make sense some times.
The first thing I hear are people talking about he is just doing this and that because he got caught. He is not really sorry. He should have to show remorse. For what? What the hell that got to do with anything? He served his time. You can't tell if a person is remorseful or not. Only that person knows. Or maybe you would say his actions would show it. So if he volunteers and does speaking engagements against it, people will only say he is doing it because he has to. Personally, you don't need remorse as far as I can tell. You did the time and were punished. The punishment is to deter you from doing again. That is what we do when we punish children. Are they really sorry they did all they have done? NO. People get over your self righteousness. We all do wrong. Some more wrong than others.
Animals. Why do people hold more value in animals than humans? People have killed other people and done less time than Vick did. They have raped people or beaten people and done less time. But dogs, no you can't do anything to dogs. What is so damn different about dogs? They are just animals like the ones many of us eat. In fact, certain cultures and places eat dogs. We hear about certain people eating cats. Dogs are domesticated. So are many animals we eat. People kill animals for sport. Kids shoot squirrels and birds for fun. Dogs have attacked me on several occasions and I have been bitten by one of these so called domestic, man's best friend animals. So I don't have any real sympathy for them. People who have large dogs around their small kids are crazy to me. Dummies who make chimps their pet when that pet can kick their ass are dumb as well. They are an animal. Supposedly they have emotions. But they don't really love your ass. Maybe they help keep you from being lonely. To them you are just their provider. Somebody else was feeding them they would be just fine.
So you can see why I don't understand why people are making Vick out to be the worst person ever. People value these dogs more than they do humans. This world just doesn't make sense some times.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Town Hall Anger.
There are some lively people out there right now at these town hall meeting to discuss health care. Seriously upset people. Nice to see that Americans can be as passionate about this type of thing in the same manner we tend to be about sports or American Idol. I personally think they are getting out of hand. I just don't see what is productive about anyone protesting the way they are. There is a time and place for everything. These town halls are supposed to be for discussion and education. How can that get done when everyone wants to just scream and chant stuff. You aren't even taking the time to fully understand what you are for or against.
The behavior of politicians condemning and exciting these people is disappointing. Typical politics though. Democrats call them angry mobs and un-American. Refer to them as using brown shirt tactics, which is a reference to nazi tactics. Really? Remember our citizens in New Orleans being called refugees? They also choose to say this is all being organized by republicans. All this really does is distract the talk from the facts which I think they want because they don't have all the facts now. They also fear people won't like what they hear. The administration is even asking for people to start snitching on anyone they hear or see putting out what may be false information or information against the bill. For what? They gonna make a list? Sounds very controlling to me. What do they need that information for. Scary to me that they would even start something like that.
Now the republicans aren't much better. Their leadership doesn't exactly denounce the behavior. They slyly say things like its wrong but I can't control them. That sentiment comes from the RNC head Mr. Steele. Others just come out and put lies out there about euthanasia, courtesy of Sarah Palin. Radio talk hosts seem to encourage the behavior as well. Their motivation? I don't know. I guess to get people to see how angry people are about the bill. Get the attention of others to see what all the fuss is about.
It seems they just play upon the public. Most people lie somewhere in the middle of all this and just want to know what is really going on. They want there representation to read and understand what they are voting for. Simple things to ask of elected officials. But they like to play both sides against each other in the media. I really wish we didn't have parties. Then maybe people would just vote on what they felt was right or what their constituents wanted them to vote for. But that just doesn't seem realistic.
The behavior of politicians condemning and exciting these people is disappointing. Typical politics though. Democrats call them angry mobs and un-American. Refer to them as using brown shirt tactics, which is a reference to nazi tactics. Really? Remember our citizens in New Orleans being called refugees? They also choose to say this is all being organized by republicans. All this really does is distract the talk from the facts which I think they want because they don't have all the facts now. They also fear people won't like what they hear. The administration is even asking for people to start snitching on anyone they hear or see putting out what may be false information or information against the bill. For what? They gonna make a list? Sounds very controlling to me. What do they need that information for. Scary to me that they would even start something like that.
Now the republicans aren't much better. Their leadership doesn't exactly denounce the behavior. They slyly say things like its wrong but I can't control them. That sentiment comes from the RNC head Mr. Steele. Others just come out and put lies out there about euthanasia, courtesy of Sarah Palin. Radio talk hosts seem to encourage the behavior as well. Their motivation? I don't know. I guess to get people to see how angry people are about the bill. Get the attention of others to see what all the fuss is about.
It seems they just play upon the public. Most people lie somewhere in the middle of all this and just want to know what is really going on. They want there representation to read and understand what they are voting for. Simple things to ask of elected officials. But they like to play both sides against each other in the media. I really wish we didn't have parties. Then maybe people would just vote on what they felt was right or what their constituents wanted them to vote for. But that just doesn't seem realistic.
Erin Andrews
This lady is very attractive. I honestly never paid it much attention until all the hype lately. After checking some pics of her I understand better all the talk. It is not like I haven't seen her before either. So I question how I didn't notice her before. I must be slipping.
Anyways, this woman was filmed naked in her hotel room. Didn't see the video. Did I look for it? Well... you answer that for yourself. Shame on whoever did that. The thing that really bothers me about the whole thing is some of the coverage. Major stations were showing blurred clips of the video which could only increase interest. How showing the video was necessary is beyond me. They could have just as easily reported details of the story. Then I hear these women on TV and read an article from another lady saying she got what she deserved? What the F#$@! No one deserves that first of all. The claimed that she used and flaunted her sexiness by dressing in certain ways in doing her job. Now I watch football religiously, and she dresses no different from other woman. She just happens to look better in her clothes than some others. Is that her fault? She actually does her job well. But for someone to come out and say she brought it on herself really pissed me off. She is a pretty lady. Does that help her? Hell yeah. Attractive people get ahead in life. That is just the way it is. But she still does her job. Why these women hate on another woman makes no sense to me.
Anyways, this woman was filmed naked in her hotel room. Didn't see the video. Did I look for it? Well... you answer that for yourself. Shame on whoever did that. The thing that really bothers me about the whole thing is some of the coverage. Major stations were showing blurred clips of the video which could only increase interest. How showing the video was necessary is beyond me. They could have just as easily reported details of the story. Then I hear these women on TV and read an article from another lady saying she got what she deserved? What the F#$@! No one deserves that first of all. The claimed that she used and flaunted her sexiness by dressing in certain ways in doing her job. Now I watch football religiously, and she dresses no different from other woman. She just happens to look better in her clothes than some others. Is that her fault? She actually does her job well. But for someone to come out and say she brought it on herself really pissed me off. She is a pretty lady. Does that help her? Hell yeah. Attractive people get ahead in life. That is just the way it is. But she still does her job. Why these women hate on another woman makes no sense to me.
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