Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back to the Bathroom

I believe I spoke on this topic once before, but damn if it hasn't gotten to me again. I believe the people at the place I work don't really want to save money on the toilet paper and napkins, but really want to make sure they get their money's worth out of the janitors. On top of the one ply toilet paper that tears and ends up on the floor, they have now replaced our nice paper towels with cheap knock offs. Have you ever balled up a piece of notebook paper repeatedly? Do you remember what that feels like? Well that is our paper towels. Now I wouldn't mind too much, but if your hands are wet at all (dry sometimes as well), the damn things just tear. You pull little piece by little piece that end up floating to the floor until you get enough of a chunk out that you can get the rest of the paper towel. This ultimately leads to you using more paper towels. So, I can only come to the conclusion that they want the janitors to be busy. I knew that girl doing all that singing in the halls while mopping would backfire!

Now, I thought that nastiness of the public restroom was a man thing until an intoxicated conversation I had a while back with a woman who felt my pain. She worked for a janitor service overseeing the cleaning of restrooms or something like that (I was intoxicated remember). Anyways, she says women are nasty to. Getting pis on the seat, not flushing, toilet paper on the ground, etc... This makes me feel a little better, but then makes me look at the women walking around different. I thought women were clean, especially down in that area. Kind of scares me about who I might have been talking to over the years.

Last thing. The flushing. Do people not flush by habit? It takes no time to use your fist or foot to flush the toilet. I mean, you have to do this at home all the time. Why not at work or wherever? Just nasty. The dummies at my job. We have those nice automatic flush gadgets in the urinals. So nice and sanitary. Wrong. We got the models that don't have the mechanical back up push in case the flush doesn't work. And guess what? The damn things hardly ever work now. What does that mean? Pis just marinating around in the urinal and leaving its intoxicating aroma all around the bathroom. How dumb can you be to buy the ones that you can't even flush if you want to? Bad planning maybe, but go back and fix the problem!

Sorry for the toilet talk, but as you can see it really irks me.

Internet = Courage

I'm only looking at this from the angle of comments people make on news articles or just articles in general. People will say anything when they know there are no consequences. Are these words true feelings, exaggeration for effect, or just people having fun? Probably a mix of all these things. But I do enjoy clicking on the comments or scrolling down to see what people are saying about different things. I did that yesterday with the story about the young man who was killed in Chicago. Man, people will say some stuff. One person was like just create a Niggerland to send all these thugs off too. Others just saying this is typical of blacks and etc... The internet does so much good, yet brings out the worst in people as well. Guess that is how it goes with anything. Now people can have their hate group sites about blacks, whites, asians, jews, or whatever else. Doesn't stuff like that only increase the hate or help fan the fire? Broaden out these groups so they can reach more people? Take people who may slightly agree and drag them over to the extreme? The lovely digital age also helps the group that I dislike the most. Child molesters. They can come together, trade child porn, talk about what they done to kids, etc... Wish I knew how to put a virus on all these hate sites so that when people were on them their computer would crash! That is pretty hateful of me though isn't it?

Oh, I just remembered why I don't like playing games online either. They drop so many racial slurs and profanity that it is ridiculous. And this is coming from someone who really doesn't care much about language. But I can't listen to people spout that mess in my ear, knowing full well they wouldn't do it in person. All that is just another lovely gift from the internet.

The internet is like alcohol aka Kourage Koolaid. Thanks Al Gore! (He did invent it right?)

Now me, being one of those blacks who is tired of blacks making excuses, kind of felt what they were saying. But that is wrong of me and them. In truth, we have a bad sector just like any other race. Ours just seems to be more prominent and a bit more glorified. This combined with the fact that we do have smaller numbers than the whites doesn't help. Hispanics got bad image out there as well.

Chi-town! Olympics! Give me a break.

Chicago should be ashamed of themselves. I hear about all this corruption in Chicago and I guess that is to be expected considering their history (Al Capone and cats like that). But really, the all out push for the Olympics? First family pushing it? How about all of you push to protect the kids in the city. Put money and time into that. Which is more important? This really pisses me off with all the talk about the Olympics when the beating of an innocent kid is simultaneously in the news from the same city. Doing a quick google search, I see this is no big deal for the Chi. It happens 20+ times a year. Why would you want the Olympics to come there when you can't take care of your own?

I guess, if they win this could get infrastructure improvements which all would benefit from. Although, I think it would stick to the nicer part of town, or eventually lead to moving a certain segment of society away for a more affluent segment to move in. But the increased exposure could make for more emphasis on the problems of the school age kids. Surely no one wants to look bad. But maybe these changes would only be cosmetic, just dressing up for the Olympics.

It just really saddens me the things I just skimmed through about Chicago. And Chicago is not the only city with these problems, just the one in the news until the next story comes along. With that story, we will move on and forget about that situation. The candlelight vigil will be held somewhere else.