Monday, January 26, 2009

President Obama

There is a song on Young Jeezy's album that I have suddenly fallen in love with: My President. I just like the first part of the hook, "My president is black". Its just nice to be able to make that statement. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not a big fan of Obama nor was I excited/overwhelmed/etc... about the inauguration. There is just a sense of pride in the fact that this day has come.

I can't imagine how those that paved the way for this are feeling right now. So many suffered and fought in this country, a country where they were treated as second class citizens. I'm so happy for those like my mother and others in her generation who experienced hate just because of their skin color. I see photos of my elders crying and it truly touches me.

For the black community, I hope that this moment inspires. If you felt there was a ceiling for you before, then maybe now you will feel that ceiling is no longer there, or it is higher, or it's something you can simply push through. Hopefully many will see Obama and his family as role models. A successful black family and it is not the Cosby's! Maybe now the rest of the world will view American Blacks differently. The "Change" that I hope for is in the black community. President Obama can't do that.

To Barack Hussein Obama II, I send my prayers out to you and your family. I wish you the best in these next four years. Your success will mean success for this country in coming out of tough times. Every true American wants that. And with majorities in both the House and Senate you have the opportunity to leave your imprint on this country for years to come. God Bless You!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Did something change? You are now calling Obama black?