Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Young and Naked

Riding home the other day listening to the radio I hear a story about a man and his daughter. It seems that some story came out about how 1 in 4 kids or something like that has naked or semi-nude photos on the internet or phone that they have sent to someone. So this man wants to check his daughters phone. And oh boy what did he find (after having to knock down her door to get to the phone). There was a picture of her naked, one of her kissing another girl, and one of her giving oral to a young man that was not her boyfriend. I feel for this man. He said his whole life changed.

So is this what our kids are doing? They are growing up into adults so fast. I personally think that it is a result of our more and more liberal culture. I used to think nothing of these images on television and in movies, but the older I get and closer to maybe having my own children the more my outlook changes. Why else are children doing these things? Parents can't be teaching this behavior. If I was in high school with all this technology I would have several pictures of girls on my phone. Then again, my mother probably wouldn't let me have a phone with a camera and text messaging and all that.

They then asked the question to men: would you feel differently if it was your son? Wow. Tough one. Honestly I would. Just the way I see the world and many people do. If a woman wants to hoe like a man, then cool. She just isn't for me nor does she need to be my child. I would be upset with my son but not as hurt as I would be if it was my daughter. God forbid that I have to bring up a daughter in this society. It is all about instant gratification and sexual freedom.

Would you feel differently if your child has these things on their phone or email whether they were a boy or a girl?

To all parents, I say good luck. Watch your kids and what they are exposed to.

1 comment:

slewis said...

Your take on this situation was very interesting to read. And yes we do live in a society that centered around sex. However, I think that our society requires parents to be more involved in their child's life.

Gone are the days were parents choose not to take a proactive role in rasing their children. Growing up I always thought my mother was nosey and all in my business. But, I would've never had nude pictures of myself or others on a phone...