Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Young and Naked
So is this what our kids are doing? They are growing up into adults so fast. I personally think that it is a result of our more and more liberal culture. I used to think nothing of these images on television and in movies, but the older I get and closer to maybe having my own children the more my outlook changes. Why else are children doing these things? Parents can't be teaching this behavior. If I was in high school with all this technology I would have several pictures of girls on my phone. Then again, my mother probably wouldn't let me have a phone with a camera and text messaging and all that.
They then asked the question to men: would you feel differently if it was your son? Wow. Tough one. Honestly I would. Just the way I see the world and many people do. If a woman wants to hoe like a man, then cool. She just isn't for me nor does she need to be my child. I would be upset with my son but not as hurt as I would be if it was my daughter. God forbid that I have to bring up a daughter in this society. It is all about instant gratification and sexual freedom.
Would you feel differently if your child has these things on their phone or email whether they were a boy or a girl?
To all parents, I say good luck. Watch your kids and what they are exposed to.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Women, why tights?
So I just want to know why women wear this type of clothing when working out or playing sports. I can understand competitive athletes rocking stuff like that for performance purposes. But other times, what is the reason? To get attention? is it more comfortable? Does it keep things in place better? And then for whatever the reason may be, do women then mind when men look? Cause to me if you come out looking a certain way, you want someone to look and I more than likely will be looking. Apparently, tights are in style now for women. Gotta love that. Went out in Atlanta a few months ago and stuff was all out there to be seen. And I'm not knocking women for wearing this stuff. Do what you do! Unless you my lady, it is all good. My woman will keep the business at home for my eyes only.
Anyone who can give me some insight on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Spay and Neuter poor people? Hmmmmm.....
This led me to thinking about what if we took a hint from China and limited the number of kids people can have. Maybe we could put financial and educational criteria limits in relation to how many children you can have. Now I don't mean that any one can't have kids. I think everyone who wants to have a child is more than welcome to because kids are a blessing (and a terror at times). And stupid people can have kids too. But hey, if you are having trouble taking care of your three kids and are on welfare or some form of government assistance maybe you shouldn't have anymore. Some of us should stop at one. If you don't have the means and time to take care of the kids then why are you having more? Especially if they then become a burden on society. So until you are self sufficient to take care of what you have, you should be spayed or neutered. Let's start fighting poverty that way. Stable being that you can provide a home, clothes and food for your child on your own! Some people have to be protected from themselves.
I know this is a crazy thought and I don't "really" feel this way although I wouldn't be out protesting the idea, but it kind of urks me when I see someone down on their luck walking around pregnant or with 3 and 4 kids. Love is not enough to raise a child. It is not America's job to take care of every child someone brings into this country. And heck if you have been fixed and later get on your feet and want more kids, ADOPT! Too many unfortunate kids out their stuck in that system now anyways.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I just finished another trip back to the crib and sure enough that anger inside welled on me while in the road. Someone needs to teach drivers proper etiquette for the highway. I wish cops were never out there because they cause more problems than they help. My trip was an extra two hours this past weekend. Now if it was for a wreck or something along those lines I can understand that. Graphic Language Warning!!!! I was stuck because these nosey motherfuckers want to look at a damn wreck on the other side of the road! 2 hours for some rubber-necking? What the fuck? I could have rammed my car through someone’s trunk and into their back seat. Go home and watch the news or faces of death if you need to see wreck that bad. Otherwise, keep it moving.
Couple of quick tips to you non drivers to not piss me off:
-Get out of the left lane if traffic is flying by you.
-When you are in the fast lane and someone is going faster, move (unless they are being unreasonable, ex: you are doing 85 and they are at 97. let they ass swerve around you but don’t be over there doing 70 holding people up)
-If you over 70? Find some streets to drive on.
-On two lane highways, never drive the same speed and beside the car in the lane beside you
One drop and you Black
Just some quick thoughts I had today. In this country if you are part black, you are black. You aren’t white, Korean, Chinese, etc… You are black. Prime example: Obama. A multiracial man who in fact was raised by whites yet he is considered black. Hell, his dad really isn’t black. He is African. But like the title says, one drop of some dark and you become black.
Why is this? And why do multiracial people seem to go along with it? I mean how can you just dismiss one half of you if in fact this is done? And why do blacks just accept it? I guess there is nothing to accept but it is odd to me how you are only white if you are pure, but black is any old mixture of things. Like the throwaways. Just give blacks everyone. Are we some kind of disease or something? Oh I know, our genes are so strong that our offspring are more like us than whatever nationality has been mixed with us. And hell if they have a drop and are doing well we are so desperate for good role models that we just have to try and embrace them. Don’t be mad if Tiger wants to claim all that makes him who he is rather than just say he is black.
Another thing. I have befriended some Africans and Jamaicans who are pretty much considered black. They really aren’t the same at all culturally. The Africans seem to congregate together in groups. So did the Jamaicans. If I go to
A Joy I Missed
Not too long ago we elected a new president of the
On the one hand I can understand feelings coming from the older blacks, but from my age group and younger it is not so obvious to me. Do we feel that oppressed? Has the world held us back from opportunities because of our skin color? A lot of times I think our perception becomes our reality. I have a chip on my shoulder as many blacks do. But in truth, I’ve gotten opportunities in my life because I was black. Before President Obama, we have had two secretaries of states that were black yet got no love from the black community. They weren’t acceptable blacks. I’ve heard blacks on TV refer to Obama as a real black man who is cool and all this other stuff. I guess Mrs. Rice and Mr. Powell don’t meet black standards.
So now we have a black president? Is the world different now? First thing I start getting from people is stuff like tell the whites to report to the cotton field or how the whites at work didn’t speak the next day and they mad etc.. And surely all of this was coming from whites in the reverse as well. I have coworkers who do not like Obama at all, but I honestly feel it is because of his policies and record more than anything else. From what I see the same separatist attitudes remain, if in fact they have not also gotten stronger. I realize I’m not white and they may say many things when I’m not around in the same manner I hear things from blacks when whites are not around. I also realize that the whites I’m around mainly are educated people and I tend to think the ignorant racial attitudes don’t persist in more intelligent people. So I can only assume that whites do the same but I have no real first hand proof.
Now will we be able to be objective with a black president? Or will the black community cry foul at criticism towards him? Or will the media be scared to go at him for fear of being called a racist? During the campaigning I heard several people tell me Obama was being treating unfairly because he was a black man? How so? He seemed to be the media darling on every news outlet other than FOX. A few jumped on Palin because her daughter was pregnant and how if she was a black woman the story would be totally different. Why does it even have to be about black or white?
I was asked why I wasn’t excited about Obama and him being a “black” president. My response was first that I am really not that big a fan of his. Just seems like another politician to me especially the way he answers questions. Second and foremost, I will be excited when something like this is not a story. When MLK’s dream is truly a reality.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pro Life / Pro Choice
For most of my life I was all about pro choice but that was more from a selfish view point. Always thought that if I got someone pregnant that I would want her to not keep the baby. I should have been thinking about that possibility before laying with someone and whether or not I wanted to share a child and relationship with them the rest of my life. With time I have come to change, mainly because I am more mature and in a better position to handle a situation like that. I now feel that a child is a blessing and not a burden. Yet I do not think it is my place to tell someone else what they can do with their body when abortion is legal right now. I also don't like the idea of children coming into this world in certain less than ideal situations (not that any situation is perfect). I do feel strongly that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. I would say you get no more than two, but that is just some number I pulled out the air. At some point you have to take responsibility for your actions. But for someone who has been raped or molested how do you tell them to go through with that pregnancy? After hearing all the hoopla about Sarah Palin recently and her child who had down syndrome I wanted to learn more about it. Mainly because I thought it was admirable for her to go to term knowing her child would be sick, yet people were telling me it was no big deal and common for women to do this. Turns out that approximately 90% of cases similar to hers end in abortion. Wow! So I did gain more respect for her regardless of whether or not she was in a financial situation to handle that you still have something in your character to go through with that. I'm not sure if I would do the same and obviously a lot of other people would not. As I thought on this it was like where could this abortion thing go as knowledge of detecting diseases early on in pregnance increases? Are we creating a super race? Kind of like Hitler or the Spartans where only the strong survive but without them even making it out of the womb. Something about that just doesn't seem right. You may think I'm way out there, but it is a slippery slope from down syndrome to abortions because a child will be dyslexic or left handed or however frivelous the reason could be. May sound crazy but think about some of the things people do in this world and have done.
My biggest problem with the Pro Life movement is the passion with which they speak on the issue. To me if you are pro life and are passionate about it, then you should be pro a lot of things. If you want it government mandated then there should be other legislation associated with the change. If abortion was not allowed in this day and age what kind of influx would that have on the country? Who is going to shoulder this burden? Many of these kids will be unwanted. So they could be given up for adoption or unloved and become a burden on society through crime. Not that they would all become unproductive citizens, but it does make your path more difficult. Which is fine if all these pro life people are out there to help these kids. Go adopt a child each so he has love and guidance. Provide quality day care services that are affordable so the parents can work and their kids won't get behind others with more money. Volunteer at these places and give your time with the same passion that you speak against abortion. Improve sex education. But a lot of pro life people are against sex ed and that makes a lot of sense. Every parent is not responsible in teaching their kids how to protect themselves so make it manditory if you want abortion prohibited. When a million more people hit the system you have to have a plan. Push that plan as hard as your other beliefs and maybe it will sound more reasonable to those on the fence or the other side.
So in the end I am a pro choice person. I'd rather mothers choose life but I don't believe it is my place to tell them how to live their life. I would like for their to be a system in place to show them they will have help and can live a full life if not a fuller life after having the child.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Bail me out please!
Ain’t this grand? Years of profiting and bad business practice with no oversight, not a problem. Uncle Sam to the rescue! What about my bad choices and investments? Am I going to get a cut? Oh, and since I have made a way to pay my mortgages (God really made the way but you get the point I hope) I don’t get bailed out of that. I should have not paid my loan for a few months and then I could refinance at a nice rate.
This whole thing bothers me more and more every time that I hear about it. Neither of my candidates for president at the time took a different side to the issue. With all the out cry from citizens (For the people, by the people? Oh yeah Abe.) against the bail out the senators still passed the bill. And this was only done after they added other money to the bill to appease those who donate to their campaigns or to benefit the area they are from so they can say look what I did for you. This wasn’t about the best interest of the country or about what the country wanted. They had to protect us cause we didn’t understand how this was truly needed. Truly needed? Nothing has changed from what I can tell. Maybe I would have been okay with all of this if there was more stipulation on how the money would be dispersed. But what happened is that they passed a bill to give themselves 700 billion to just spend how they see fit. That is our money they are spending. The oversight committee they wanted – not formed yet. The report on how the spending is going and to where it has gone – not done yet. Anyone surprised? Good old government!
Now everyone wants a cut? Can we blame anyone for trying to get money when the government is giving it out? Auto industry, plumbers, construction, financial sector, etc… Just line up and open up your pockets. A country in debt will just pick up more debt and worry about it later. And it’s not even good debt. Wish I could do that.
I don’t want anyone to lose their jobs. But at this point it is already happening. Why support business that has shown itself not able to survive and thrive? As one falls, another will rise. Let the market fix itself. Businesses will be forced to rethink how they do things and improve and jobs will eventually be created again. If you know someone is a wasteful spender and just blows money would you give them money? I guess you can just put faith in the fact that they have learned their lesson and things will be different from now on.
This past election had two candidates. The crisis hits and this is how they react. One, desparate to gain ground in the race, suspends his election to try and swoop in and save the day. The other candidate, comfortably ahead in the polls, sits back and does nothing so that he doesn’t lose ground. Was either looking out for the country? Is that leadership? Now we have a President Elect that I am failing to hear from as Congress (which he happens to be apart of) decides on whether or not to spend more money. I am not sure why this is, but it doesn’t make sense to me. At least it does not in any good way. So if these things work or don’t work in helping the country can we blame or credit our new President? By saying little or nothing it seems he leaves himself all possible options. All I know is, if I have a contract on a home I’m not going to sit back and let them do all kinds of changes on the home before I move in.
Change - Simple Genius
Could a phrase really be anymore vague yet have so much power in this country? Lets define change:
to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone:
Now the genius in the use of this word for a slogan is that the entire country is upset with the status quo. So why not capitalize on this widespread feeling? It was so good in fact, that both campaigns eventually tried to use the slogan.
The problem: What is change? All change is not good. I “change” underwear every day, but if I put on a pair from the dirty clothes basket is that a good thing? I asked several people who spit this word out to me over the last year what that meant and a majority had no real answer except different from Bush and that McCain is just like him. In actuality those two men don’t care for each other and McCain has been a thorn in the side of republicans for years. Yes he voted 90% of the time with Bush=Republicans, Obama voted 96% with Democrats. That seems to be what they do, vote with their party. McCain is an older white man which fits the typical presidential description. Though he seems to believe in the basic republican principles, which Bush has gone against the last few years in terms of big government. Obama described himself as a new kind of politician and different from the rest of the guys you see in
Yet at a time when people really aren’t sure what this change means, that fact doesn’t matter. We all want change. Obama created himself to represent change. That is great advertising right there. So change can be whatever the believer wants that to be. Health care, education, taxes, etc… it all adds up to hope. But from what I have seen, most people don’t know fundamentally why Obama’s change was is better than McCain’s change.
Political Slaves
Why is it that blacks vote so heavily democrat? This is something I have wondered for a while. I started voting that way because that is what mom and many people around me did. But there was no real reason for my voting that way. Someone asked me this question the other day and the only reason I can think of is based on the social programs and sympathizing to black issues by democrats (Whatever today’s black issues are). If it has to do with social issues, I sure hope not. Stop looking for help and handouts. Teach a man to fish, he eats on his own forever. Keep feeding a man and he continues to need your help to eat. So maybe this is a good way to keep blacks down. Help people help themselves.
Historically speaking, republicans were on the forefront of civil rights. The democrats fought integration. That governor in AL, Wallace? He was a democrat. Mr. King Jr. was a republican. Now right around the time he went on to glory, blacks started voting heavily democrat beginning really with the 64 election of Johnson. The republican candidate (Goldwater) failed to sign the civil rights act of 64 which probably is the reason things happened the way they did. Of course he gave some reason about why he didn’t sign the bill the same way politicians do today, but whatever his reasoning I think that started the trend we see today. Obama being considered black, which I still don’t understand completely, and getting 96% of the vote including mine does make sense. But giving our loyalty to a party so greatly consistently?
I thought blacks were a diverse group of people, but our voting does not seem to reflect this. No other race is so heavily one sided (at least that I know of). Some will say that Catholics or Gays give their votes heavily to either party, but that is not the same. Those aren’t diverse groups. They are groups that share similar plights, issues or beliefs. So then the question is, do we still have the same struggle throughout? I mean what do we share? That we are black and the world is against us? We need social help to get out of our situations? Slavery affects us still and is the cause of our problems today? Yet we are not all poor. Blacks probably are some of the most religious people percentage wise, yet the party associated with that ideology gets very little of our vote.
I can’t say there is anything wrong with this, except that our vote and needs don’t need to be catered to. Why would they when they know the black vote is a given? I just don’t understand this fact. The popular vote is always ~50% to both sides, so most other sectors must vote more evenly between the parties. It is just hard for me to imagine that a diverse people would not vary more on how they believe the country should be run; one way no more right or wrong than the other.
If someone has the answer or why they think things are so, please let me know.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Stop the VOTE!!
If a person wants to vote and needs a ride I would be the first one to take them there. But you shouldn't have to be asked, pushed, begged, bugged, etc... to vote. Leave the voting to those who want to vote.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My Political Cherry
What I found this past year is that politics isn't all that different from a high school election. A lot of it is based on popularity. How many posters you have or how often they see you. How many calls to people you can make or what promises you can make. Basically there isn't much substance behind what they give you. It is like a beauty contest. Some people just vote for their team, republican or democrat. This voting along party lines thing I don't understand. Just vote for who you think is the best. But like someone told me, it is like rooting for your favorite team no matter if they are the best that year or not.
I've known this for a while, but the contests that we should be more educated on are the ones that we tend to ignore, the local elections. Those affect are lives a lot more directly than the presidential election, but we know far less about those people running.
So now that the empty slogans are done, I can get back to just keeping up with what our new president will actually do. This country is in a bad time right now so I don't think I will be turning my head away from the news anytime soon. Next time elections come around I want to be fully educated on what these politicians have done. So though I may be weary of all the political games I am determined to stay informed. Who knows, one day I may run for office! But then again I don't know if I want my skeletons coming back out. It's like a graveyard back there.
Alternative Lifestyles
So how do you become gay? Some would say that people are born that way. Others just try it because they become turned off from the opposite sex. Some try it when they get locked up. I really don't believe that one can be born gay though. One may have more estrogen or testosterone than their respecive sex, but born that way? If that is the case they would be able to check your DNA and find a gene. I think its more along the lines of alcoholism. Some are more prone to have that affliction. I'm thinking this applies for any tendency we have to some sin. Plus, it's just not natural. The sexual act is intended for reproduction more so than pleasure. Two men or two women can't create another life. So by that thought process there, it can't be something you are born with.
Way back in the day homosexuality was pretty prevelant. I mean, King James (cat on the Bible) was gay. Back in Greece they used to lay down with young boys. So I guess like any fad such as afros, the homosexual life can come back. I attribute a lot of (what I perceive to be an increase) this spread of the alternative lifestyle as a result of the increasingly liberal society we live in. Gays are all over television now. I've seen dating shows with only men. If you keep putting this stuff in front of people I think they are more likely to try it. What other reason could there be? Unless there has always been this much activity but now they feel safer to be out in the open. I know it sounds bad, but I wish they would go back in the closet. I don't want kids being exposed to that. Who wants to explain to their child why two women are kissing? But we keep getting more an more lenient and this will continue to grow. Gays adopting kids, gay preachers, gay tv show hosts, etc... And yes, I said gay preachers. How they justify that one is beyond me. When I learn more, I will write on that.
What I really don't understand is how men want other men? What is attractive about a man? We don't smell good, aren't emotional, don't dress as well, don't look as good (that is probably my straight mind talking), and can't feel the same way. I just don't see what another man could provide me? From my boys all I want is someone to chill and look/holla at women with, talk sports with, play some video games, or talk about women. Most men aren't emotional or caring like a woman. They aren't soft. And what the hell would make you want to have a man put his manhood in your ass? Or vice versa? The thought makes me want to gag. Then one of them is pretty punkish or whatever. So if you want something feminine then get a damn woman? There are more of them out there than men anyways. You just have to be a soft ass man to want a man instead of a woman. Can they just not pull women? Ok, I know they are supposedly attracted to each other, but... Now, women on the other hand I can understand. The physical act you can get somewhat similar results. No unusual opening in your body has to be used. Many women have adult toys anyways so using them with another woman... not a stretch in my mind. Women tend to like conversation and a woman can give them that. They want someone emotionally there and suff like that. Plus women can look at other women and say they are attractive. I could see a woman becoming fed up with men cheating or not caring about what is going on in their lives. Althought I think everyone cheats, I do think women are probably more faithful than men. Regardless of my understanding of the women side of things, and I won't lie and say it doesn't interest me at all watching two women, but it is just as wrong. God did not intend things to be this way.
Yes, I am a bit homophobic. No, I don't hate gays. I am curious about it because I don't understand it. Gay people don't bother me as long as its not all in my face (for that matter I don't like seeing anyones PDA all in my face). The only ones I don't care for are the guys that are flaming! Not sure I could have a gay friend, but I can be cool and hang around one and be ok. In fact I have, and it was no different than being around anyone else.
Going to end this like this: God made Adam. Adam was lonely so he gave him a woman, Eve. It all started with a man and woman. The way it was intended and the way it should always be.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Reason for Speaking
My topics will range anywhere from music to relationships, or from politics to religion. So hang around and see what you can find FLOATING SOMEWHEREINTHERE