Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back to the Bathroom

I believe I spoke on this topic once before, but damn if it hasn't gotten to me again. I believe the people at the place I work don't really want to save money on the toilet paper and napkins, but really want to make sure they get their money's worth out of the janitors. On top of the one ply toilet paper that tears and ends up on the floor, they have now replaced our nice paper towels with cheap knock offs. Have you ever balled up a piece of notebook paper repeatedly? Do you remember what that feels like? Well that is our paper towels. Now I wouldn't mind too much, but if your hands are wet at all (dry sometimes as well), the damn things just tear. You pull little piece by little piece that end up floating to the floor until you get enough of a chunk out that you can get the rest of the paper towel. This ultimately leads to you using more paper towels. So, I can only come to the conclusion that they want the janitors to be busy. I knew that girl doing all that singing in the halls while mopping would backfire!

Now, I thought that nastiness of the public restroom was a man thing until an intoxicated conversation I had a while back with a woman who felt my pain. She worked for a janitor service overseeing the cleaning of restrooms or something like that (I was intoxicated remember). Anyways, she says women are nasty to. Getting pis on the seat, not flushing, toilet paper on the ground, etc... This makes me feel a little better, but then makes me look at the women walking around different. I thought women were clean, especially down in that area. Kind of scares me about who I might have been talking to over the years.

Last thing. The flushing. Do people not flush by habit? It takes no time to use your fist or foot to flush the toilet. I mean, you have to do this at home all the time. Why not at work or wherever? Just nasty. The dummies at my job. We have those nice automatic flush gadgets in the urinals. So nice and sanitary. Wrong. We got the models that don't have the mechanical back up push in case the flush doesn't work. And guess what? The damn things hardly ever work now. What does that mean? Pis just marinating around in the urinal and leaving its intoxicating aroma all around the bathroom. How dumb can you be to buy the ones that you can't even flush if you want to? Bad planning maybe, but go back and fix the problem!

Sorry for the toilet talk, but as you can see it really irks me.

Internet = Courage

I'm only looking at this from the angle of comments people make on news articles or just articles in general. People will say anything when they know there are no consequences. Are these words true feelings, exaggeration for effect, or just people having fun? Probably a mix of all these things. But I do enjoy clicking on the comments or scrolling down to see what people are saying about different things. I did that yesterday with the story about the young man who was killed in Chicago. Man, people will say some stuff. One person was like just create a Niggerland to send all these thugs off too. Others just saying this is typical of blacks and etc... The internet does so much good, yet brings out the worst in people as well. Guess that is how it goes with anything. Now people can have their hate group sites about blacks, whites, asians, jews, or whatever else. Doesn't stuff like that only increase the hate or help fan the fire? Broaden out these groups so they can reach more people? Take people who may slightly agree and drag them over to the extreme? The lovely digital age also helps the group that I dislike the most. Child molesters. They can come together, trade child porn, talk about what they done to kids, etc... Wish I knew how to put a virus on all these hate sites so that when people were on them their computer would crash! That is pretty hateful of me though isn't it?

Oh, I just remembered why I don't like playing games online either. They drop so many racial slurs and profanity that it is ridiculous. And this is coming from someone who really doesn't care much about language. But I can't listen to people spout that mess in my ear, knowing full well they wouldn't do it in person. All that is just another lovely gift from the internet.

The internet is like alcohol aka Kourage Koolaid. Thanks Al Gore! (He did invent it right?)

Now me, being one of those blacks who is tired of blacks making excuses, kind of felt what they were saying. But that is wrong of me and them. In truth, we have a bad sector just like any other race. Ours just seems to be more prominent and a bit more glorified. This combined with the fact that we do have smaller numbers than the whites doesn't help. Hispanics got bad image out there as well.

Chi-town! Olympics! Give me a break.

Chicago should be ashamed of themselves. I hear about all this corruption in Chicago and I guess that is to be expected considering their history (Al Capone and cats like that). But really, the all out push for the Olympics? First family pushing it? How about all of you push to protect the kids in the city. Put money and time into that. Which is more important? This really pisses me off with all the talk about the Olympics when the beating of an innocent kid is simultaneously in the news from the same city. Doing a quick google search, I see this is no big deal for the Chi. It happens 20+ times a year. Why would you want the Olympics to come there when you can't take care of your own?

I guess, if they win this could get infrastructure improvements which all would benefit from. Although, I think it would stick to the nicer part of town, or eventually lead to moving a certain segment of society away for a more affluent segment to move in. But the increased exposure could make for more emphasis on the problems of the school age kids. Surely no one wants to look bad. But maybe these changes would only be cosmetic, just dressing up for the Olympics.

It just really saddens me the things I just skimmed through about Chicago. And Chicago is not the only city with these problems, just the one in the news until the next story comes along. With that story, we will move on and forget about that situation. The candlelight vigil will be held somewhere else.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Health Care Pt. 2

First I think it is important for me to say that I commend the president for pushing health care reform. Someone had to initiate these talks and he certainly has done that. Nothing this major has been tried for well over a decade. We had a republican president and democrat congress for part of that time although there was a 2 year period where republicans had a majority in congress and nothing was done.

There is a lot of talk concerning preexisting conditions. No in order to prevent insurance from not accepting those with preexisting conditions, basically means the requirement of everyone citizen to have health insurance. Can't just let people wait till they get sick to go and get health insurance. That throws an automatic loss on to a companies books and is not fair at all. I also understand why insurance currently makes it very difficult for someone with a preexisting condition to get anything affordable. So it seems to me that you must have a public option or free health care if you make this practice illegal.

That would bring us to a public option which I am completely against. It seems like a way to a single payer system in the future. As time goes on and costs spiral for the public option the government will simply change the rules to make this system more affordable and favorable for them. Furthermore, how can a private company compete with the government? Government makes the rules. Government has an unlimited budget. Government doesn't have to make a profit. Government has far less business related costs. I heard the president say they will do things to even out the playing field. Yet, in a bill so large it seems that many loop holes will remain. And why would we believe the government can control costs of something as large as this? The president says he won't pass anything that adds to the budget but I don't see how a public option won't. You will have a heavy influx of people who you will now have to pay for. How much can those who can't afford it now really pay? And how much will you have to supplement them? We already give people money in this country when they don't make enough money. Now we will be giving them more. Also won't people try and go to the doctor more frequently? I just don't see the balanced budget occurring without all the extremely optimistic savings they expect coming to fruition.

Democrats and liberals say the public option will create competition to drive down costs. Republicans and conservatives have other methods that they think will create competition such as removing state to state borders. Neither of these answer the question I have. Why does it cost so much? If the cost of health care does not come down nothing else seems to matter. So why not just focus on bringing down cost? All this can't just be blamed on the insurance companies. I heard on the radio recently that insurance companies have relatively low profit margins compared to other industries. I hope that congress doesn't vilify CEOs of this industry like they did AIG. Their salary and bonus information was requested by congress. Seems like their is only one good reason to want that information.

This brings me to looking at tort reform. Tort is any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought. Lawsuits basically. The cost of doing business for doctors is so high because of the insurance they have to pay for themselves. They often practice defensive medicine because of this. Why not cap the amount suits can be for? Or something. The law suits and things are getting out of hand. Tort reform seems like it should be one of the first things on the table.

And where are the health care providers going to come from? We already have a shortage without all the uncovered. Fewer medical students want to become primary care doctors because there is no money to be made, but primary care physicians are the first line of health care. This means there is a definite need for more primary care doctors, otherwise even if more people have insurance where will they get the care? For those who do have it, this may end up creating more of a wait for you.

I'm just bringing up things that I have thought about and that I think we should all be concerned with. In the end, no system will be perfect. We must hope that are political leaders put their differences aside and truly work together to come up with the best bill possible. At this point, they have not done that. In fact, since the new administration has come in things have been very partisan. 90% support from one side and 5% support from the other. Being the centrist that I am, legislation of this magnitude being forced through by one side would be very disappointing. It would probably cause my voting to change in the coming years.

Health Care Pt. 1

President. Get it together playa. From where I sit your leadership is looking real suspect. You champion this cause yet you hadn't read the bill while you were out promoting it. Though no specific bill exists yet. But in the press conference I watched, you had no answers. You just stated the problem and why there was a need for change. IS that what a leader does? Is that what one does about a topic that is supposed to be so important? You came with no answers. You were just a salesman. Very disappointing. Furthermore you like all the other politicians continue to lie or use misleading information. For example, the AARP was not behind your plan yet on several occasions you said they were. You like others continue to throw this misleading number of 46 million uninsured. In reality, this number only includes those who were uninsured at any period during the year. So that includes those in between jobs. That also includes illegal aliens and those who can afford to buy health insurance but choose not not. That number also includes those who are eligible for other government care but either have not applied, are unaware, or don't care. So that number is probably half of that. Also Mr. President, please stop using the example of the post office and ups and fedex. That is a silly example to me. Sure those are private companies doing well against a public option. I think their target business is a bit different first of all. But your example is perfect for showing how government can't run something right and the private sector can. The post office is always losing money and constantly raising stamp costs. So why would that argument with a little thought, want me to go with the idea of you creating a public option that would be just like the post office? Point to a government program that works financially if there is one. (And if someone knows a major federal program that runs under budget consistently please let me know).

A big misconception out there to me is that health care is the problem. Really, health insurance, access, and cost are the problems. The quality of our health care is some of the best in the world. The problem lies in getting more access to people and controlling the rising cost. These should be the main issues that we focus on. Coming up with ways to change these problems. I've heard several ideas that seem plausible from both sides (rep. and dems). I can even understand doing a major over haul with the thought that some things will only work in conjunction with others. What I don't understand is with this being such a major thing, why rush it? I've always heard the haste makes waste. Only reason I can think of is that you wanted to avoid what is happening now. A lot of scrutiny on the topic. But something this major should be scrutinized. Will it make it more difficult to pass? Yes. It will also hopefully make the bill better for all of us at the same time if it does pass. What I hope is that you and your party don't just push it through because you have the votes. Republicans have good ideas too.

Speaking of republicans. Ya'll are ridiculous. Stop all the whining and complaining about everything. I hear more complaints than ideas from you. All you should be pushing is your ideas and explaining why they are better. When there is only one idea being heard it certainly sounds better than anything else. I know you don't want single payer and public options. Neither do I. But what is it that you want and why will it work the best? The other party are using your words talking about creating competition to lower costs. Show other ways to do that if you have them.

Vick, remorse, and animals

Michael Vick deserved every bit of time he had to do in jail. He deserved to lose all the things that he has over the last 3 years. That being said, he has done his time and we should move forward. Yet I hear and read about so many people who are still so angry. In fact, I heard a christian on a christian show all up in arms. The host was like do you even know what it is to be a christian? We are to forgive. But she just couldn't get it. Nor can I get all the hate? Forgive me, but it was some damn dogs.

The first thing I hear are people talking about he is just doing this and that because he got caught. He is not really sorry. He should have to show remorse. For what? What the hell that got to do with anything? He served his time. You can't tell if a person is remorseful or not. Only that person knows. Or maybe you would say his actions would show it. So if he volunteers and does speaking engagements against it, people will only say he is doing it because he has to. Personally, you don't need remorse as far as I can tell. You did the time and were punished. The punishment is to deter you from doing again. That is what we do when we punish children. Are they really sorry they did all they have done? NO. People get over your self righteousness. We all do wrong. Some more wrong than others.

Animals. Why do people hold more value in animals than humans? People have killed other people and done less time than Vick did. They have raped people or beaten people and done less time. But dogs, no you can't do anything to dogs. What is so damn different about dogs? They are just animals like the ones many of us eat. In fact, certain cultures and places eat dogs. We hear about certain people eating cats. Dogs are domesticated. So are many animals we eat. People kill animals for sport. Kids shoot squirrels and birds for fun. Dogs have attacked me on several occasions and I have been bitten by one of these so called domestic, man's best friend animals. So I don't have any real sympathy for them. People who have large dogs around their small kids are crazy to me. Dummies who make chimps their pet when that pet can kick their ass are dumb as well. They are an animal. Supposedly they have emotions. But they don't really love your ass. Maybe they help keep you from being lonely. To them you are just their provider. Somebody else was feeding them they would be just fine.

So you can see why I don't understand why people are making Vick out to be the worst person ever. People value these dogs more than they do humans. This world just doesn't make sense some times.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Town Hall Anger.

There are some lively people out there right now at these town hall meeting to discuss health care. Seriously upset people. Nice to see that Americans can be as passionate about this type of thing in the same manner we tend to be about sports or American Idol. I personally think they are getting out of hand. I just don't see what is productive about anyone protesting the way they are. There is a time and place for everything. These town halls are supposed to be for discussion and education. How can that get done when everyone wants to just scream and chant stuff. You aren't even taking the time to fully understand what you are for or against.

The behavior of politicians condemning and exciting these people is disappointing. Typical politics though. Democrats call them angry mobs and un-American. Refer to them as using brown shirt tactics, which is a reference to nazi tactics. Really? Remember our citizens in New Orleans being called refugees? They also choose to say this is all being organized by republicans. All this really does is distract the talk from the facts which I think they want because they don't have all the facts now. They also fear people won't like what they hear. The administration is even asking for people to start snitching on anyone they hear or see putting out what may be false information or information against the bill. For what? They gonna make a list? Sounds very controlling to me. What do they need that information for. Scary to me that they would even start something like that.

Now the republicans aren't much better. Their leadership doesn't exactly denounce the behavior. They slyly say things like its wrong but I can't control them. That sentiment comes from the RNC head Mr. Steele. Others just come out and put lies out there about euthanasia, courtesy of Sarah Palin. Radio talk hosts seem to encourage the behavior as well. Their motivation? I don't know. I guess to get people to see how angry people are about the bill. Get the attention of others to see what all the fuss is about.

It seems they just play upon the public. Most people lie somewhere in the middle of all this and just want to know what is really going on. They want there representation to read and understand what they are voting for. Simple things to ask of elected officials. But they like to play both sides against each other in the media. I really wish we didn't have parties. Then maybe people would just vote on what they felt was right or what their constituents wanted them to vote for. But that just doesn't seem realistic.

Erin Andrews

This lady is very attractive. I honestly never paid it much attention until all the hype lately. After checking some pics of her I understand better all the talk. It is not like I haven't seen her before either. So I question how I didn't notice her before. I must be slipping.

Anyways, this woman was filmed naked in her hotel room. Didn't see the video. Did I look for it? Well... you answer that for yourself. Shame on whoever did that. The thing that really bothers me about the whole thing is some of the coverage. Major stations were showing blurred clips of the video which could only increase interest. How showing the video was necessary is beyond me. They could have just as easily reported details of the story. Then I hear these women on TV and read an article from another lady saying she got what she deserved? What the F#$@! No one deserves that first of all. The claimed that she used and flaunted her sexiness by dressing in certain ways in doing her job. Now I watch football religiously, and she dresses no different from other woman. She just happens to look better in her clothes than some others. Is that her fault? She actually does her job well. But for someone to come out and say she brought it on herself really pissed me off. She is a pretty lady. Does that help her? Hell yeah. Attractive people get ahead in life. That is just the way it is. But she still does her job. Why these women hate on another woman makes no sense to me.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Fathers day has come on gone. I had probably what was the longest conversation with my father in my life. He is a good man, just wasn't a good father. There are a lot of men out there that aren't good fathers. Some are just boys themselves and really don't know how to be a father. If you know a good father out there, have one, or one is the father of your child please show your appreciation. Mothers do a wonderful job as mothers, especially in the black community. Without black women who knows where we would be. So when you have a good black man, pump him up and laud him for the things he does. I only wish that I could have had that in my life. Men around me that are active in their childrens lives is so admirable to me. I say thank you to all the good fathers out there. Good fathers along with good mothers will make a better society in the end.

Debt to Society

Recently the homie Mike Vick got out of jail for fighting dogs. This got me to thinking about those who have been caught breaking the law. I've thought about how someone ever gets out of jail/prison and makes it. The deck is so stacked against you because those things follow you for a long time or the rest of your life. Is that fair? I mean, if your punishment has been served why isn't that the end of it?

So a lot of people think Vick should be reinstated and allowed to play football. Others I have heard say that any other regular person wouldn't be able to go back to their job. This is probably true for the most part. For them, I don't think it is fair. You break the law, you are punished, and that should be it when you finish your punishment. If what you did is so bad that it has to stay with you forever, why not just keep the person in jail? You put a person out there and make their situation difficult and it is no wonder so many people end up right back in trouble.

Part of your punishment is often about rehabilitation. Well if you do that, then you should be fine to contribute to society like a regular citizen. Not be hindered by your past forever. But maybe jail doesn't really work on the person. I guess it just serves as a holding place until they feel like letting you back out. We could at least have a better plan to assimilate people back into society.

I just wonder what it really means to pay ones debt to society when the punishment goes past time served and probation. In a country of second chances, are criminals given a second chance?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

No peace in death

Death is one thing that has always scared me. That probably shows a lack of faith in my relationship with God more than anything. Being the person I am it is a struggle not to question what comes next. What has gotten me thinking about death lately is all the famous lives that have been lost recently. Some of these caught my attention more than others. This has all made me wonder why we can't give these people peace in death?

David Carradine was found in a somewhat compromising position in his death. Steve McNair the same. Michael Jackson had a "mysterious" death. Why do we or the media focus on the circumstances of their deaths so much? None of us are above faults in our lives. But they are dead and no longer here. Why not celebrate their life and be happy that they will hopefully be moving on to a better place? That wouldn't be sensational enough. We love controversy and feed on peoples mistakes and misfortunes. It seems so petty and useless to me. Entertainment at the expense of another persons loss of life.

Michael Jackson was a spectacle the last few years, and now they have done the same thing with his death. Part of me is happy he is gone because maybe now he can find peace outside of the spotlight in which he spent his entire life. That had to be draining. I am definitely sick of all the coverage. Really, just let his family and friends morn. We don't need to know the details of his passing. He is gone. Some nurse is all on TV talking about what Jackson asked her for. Got to get her five minutes in.

McNair, a good player and what seemed like a good person was apparently having an affair. Or maybe there was an understanding with his wife. Who knows. Doesn't really matter. He was too young, and so was the young lady. There are four young men who will now grow with no father. Families have lost loved ones. But all I see, read and hear about are people talking about this relationship with the woman. So much focus on the negative rather than the positive. It is a shame to live a decent life and have it treated like this after you have moved on.

I just wish we could give people peace in death. Is there anything in your life or at your house that if you ended to day would change the way people look at you? Would you want it made all public?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Global Warming.... Or is it Climate Change?

This is some more bullshit people are pushing. I can't understand why everyone is falling for it. At first all I heard was global warming, but then it cooled off for a year or so and the fad got the title of climate change. When will humans realize they are not gods? Realize that they can't control everything? Do we contribute to the environment with our emissions and things. Of course. But if I pee in the ocean at the beach I contribute to the ocean's water level as well. Anyone notice? because I have done that.

global warming 
an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.

Notice that it says, may result. So technically, because the temperature has gone up global warming is happening. But hasn't it happened before? And so has global cooling (a term that will probably become more popular in the future)?

Let's just look at this with simple logic. The world has gotten hot and cold way before industrialization. Heard of the ice age? Extinction of more species happened way before any of this according to scientists. So what the hell makes us think that we can now control the planets weather? It doesn't even make sense. In the 70's people were worried about global cooling. Scientists really don't "know" what they are talking about but they are making educated guesses. The world was flat remember? Newton's theories have been proved wrong. Darwin says we evolved, but I haven't seen any monkeys becoming humans. The history of recorded climates is rather recent in comparison to the Earth's age. But they say there have been hotter periods than now and cooler ones. It is all bullshit.

Now don't get me wrong because I am all about energy conservation and taking better care of the home God has created for us. What annoys me is that they use fear to get people to do these things. These are the same tactics cultures and governments used that we study throughout history yet we still fall for it. To base policies and taxes on unfounded science because we will destroy our planet is crap. We should use what we have better. Stop expanding and increasing in population so much and maybe nature would have a better chance of keeping things on the level regardless of humans minor contributions. 75% of the world is water so humans aren't there. We don't inhabit all of the other 25%. So let's say we take up about 17-20% of the entire planet. So from that small percent, we can control how this entire planet works. I wonder what God thinks as he looks down on us. Our cars and plants aren't that damn bad.

I read an article in Time a while back that was titled something like "How Global Warming is causing Extinctions." But the whole article talked about deforestation, expansion, and poachers. Then like a quick blurb was placed on global warming and how it contributed as well. WTF! But the title was about global warming.

Legalize marijuana!

I am all about legalizing weed. In fact, I would probably help campaign for it. The fact that it is not legal makes absolutely no sense. NONE! All arguments are false. For the record, I have never smoked weed in my life and probably never will. But our last 3 presidents definitely have, and one of them even admits to using cocaine. If I had it my way all drugs would be legal in some regulated fashion but that is another story.

It is simply absurd that alcohol and cigarettes are legal but not marijuana. I have been around all three heavily in my lifetime. Weed is definitely the best of the three. Weed doesn't damage your liver or lungs. Weed isn't addictive. There is no serious withdrawal affects. Alcohol related crimes are way higher than weed. I've rarely seen an angry high person, but I frequently see angry and violent drunks. That kourage koolaid ain't nothing to play with. Yet, weed is the one that is not legal.

Some have the argument that weed is a gateway drug. Bullshit. Most people I know that smoke don't do more than smoke. They don't get high as much as I see smokers toting. Hell, if anything is a gateway it is alcohol or cigarettes. I don't know a single cheefer that doesn't smoke cigarettes or drink, or have done those at some point in the past. The gates are opened with either alcohol or cigarettes.

Financial considerations. How much money could we bring in if we taxed weed like we do cigarettes and alcohol? A ridiculous amount. How much would we save from not having to prosecute, monitor, and incarcerate? Another large sum. Maybe we wouldn't be losing lives at the borders in Mexico right now. How would the peace pipe help negotiations with our leaders? But seriously, if weed was legal right now in America it would easily be in the top 5 agricultural products out there. At first there may be some cost to crack down on your neighborhood dealer, but eventually that would go away. I mean, why buy it illegally and risk trouble when it is right at the corner store? How often do we go get moonshine now?

Then comes the kids. Whatever. Beer commercials are everywhere. They say kids who smoke do worse in school. How many of those did bad before they started smoking? They don't tell that stat though. I understand there are studies that show weed affects a developing brain just like alcohol and most other drugs would. Weed makes people lazy. This is one of the things I tend to believe from what I've seen. But really, those people were just as lazy before they started smoking. We have already seen you can make it to the highest office after smoking weed. Entertainers smoke. Some of the richest and brightest people in the world smoke. Hell, our president can't quit smoking cigarettes but he stopped smoking weed.

I truly don't get all the high and mighty feeling about weed being so bad. If someone can give me some good reasons why it is not then I am willing to listen. Only reason I can think of is that the government hasn't figured out a good way to control it and tax it.

Everyone should have the right to marry! But don't they?

Besides PETA, gays are the most outspoken group out there. And for me, just like PETA there cause goes unseen to me because they make too much noise. All the time you hear about gay marriage now and how gays should have the right to marry. Is everyone missing something? They do have the right. John can go marry Sarah, and Jill can marry Bob. Meaning, they can get married but they choose not to.

As far as I can tell, laws and rules must have some morals behind them. That is the only way a system can work. Otherwise, everything goes. So it goes with marriage. I'm not going to go on a faith based reasoning because government should be separate from religion. Scientifically, a male and female are need to procreate (not so much now with science and surrogate mothers). But there have to be some sort of boundaries. If you start allowing same sex marriages, then why not polygamy? Why not allow pedophiles to marry kids? Let people marry animals or other non-human things? It becomes a slippery slope. Hey, a lot of it sounds crazy, but a century ago what did people think about gay marriage?

Gays are people to. I understand that, and for the most part they don't bother me. The loud activists, flamboyant males, and the butch females do annoy me sometimes but so do plenty of straight people like PETA. But people have to follow laws that are based on morals. Pedophiles are people to. For me, not close to gays but not that far away either. I don't want either living next to me and my kids so I have to explain things to them before they should have to think about it.

Eventually, same sex marriage will become legal. It is the "In" thing these days. I wish like a fad it would go away but like roaches, this movement is hard to kill. Why they can't be happy, I don't know. Gay is not a gender or race. It is some created group. And just like any other group in this country there are certain things you just can't do. Teenagers can't drink. Obese people can't competitively cheer. Gays can't get married. Let's move on!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life Plan

Recently I have realized that my life has become stagnant. I achieved most everything that I always planned on in a timely fashion and I'm only 28. Undergrad, Grad school, good job that I enjoy. Now what? Seems that maybe I have fallen back into the pack. Five years ago I made a goals list. Since then, I have misplaced said list. The list contained a wide array of things from just learning a new dance style to being a father. I say all this because I think we all need to keep goals and resetting goals in our lives in order to avoid becoming stagnant.

So in the next few months I plan to evaluate where I am and what I would like to have accomplished in the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years. Some won't get done, or they will get pushed back, but I will have something to look back on when I feel there is room in my life for something new. I suggest to all to do the same thing. Even if you don't do it formally. Then revisit that list every year and adjust as life will throw you curve balls.

Examples for the types of things I would suggest to put on the list. Cooking, relationship, education, career, recreation, eating habits, working out, weight goals, travel, skills such as sewing, mechanic, or carpentry, reading, learn an instrument, start a business, volunteer, etc...

Life is so short and goes by so fast we can sometimes move past dreams. But you are never to old. Enjoy life and experience all the things you have ever wanted. Plan for them or whatever is necessary. Don't want to look back with shoulda coulda wouldas. I know I don't. I wish everyone happiness and success.

Why wait?

Instant gratification sums up the world we live in today. Waiting is a thing of the past. Waiting is somewhere hanging out with jheri curls and virginity past 18. The wonders of technology have removed the need for patience. For the right money just about everything is available in a short amount of time. Reactions to current events occur almost simultaneously with the event. I think that this obsession with instant everything has taken away from our lives. So busy worrying about everything but what we are doing.

Really, what is the rush? Are our lives that busy? Do we need to know everything right now? Think back to life before cell phones? the internet? internet on cell phones? You know, back when people weren't constantly connected. Were things that bad then? Back when enjoying where we were and who we were with was enough. I remember the library. Doing reports and research there. Checking out books to read. Days when being a reporter was a skill rather than a hobby anyone with a computer can do. Now we get news from all kinds of skewed sources. All of it reported with an agenda. Hell, we date through the internet now. Best place to find love. Email, chat, text, and tweets seem to have replaced long walks and conversation, or handwritten love letters and notes. A nice home cooked meal? Forget it. We have fast food and microwave everything. I'm sure eating that way is oh so healthy. There isn't enough time to cook a nice meal anymore cause everyone has jobs and busy lives to lead.

The instant gratification has gotten so bad that it has spread to our government. Heard the saying Rome wasn't built in a day? Now I see media report stories that create panic or public outrage, or at least a "reported" outrage which in effect does create a wider spread and more real outrage. This helps their ratings. Fine, but now Congress and everyone who wants to be someone tries to get face time reacting to every event. They now rush legislation through or try to in response to the craze. Some of the largest and most powerful legislation to ever come through and we rush it? Important decisions that one rushes probably won't turn out well. Haste makes waste. Thanks for that one mom. But it seems everything is headed in the same direction. Got to have it now. So what we don't have the money. It makes sense to spend money we don't have on things we don't need because we want it right now. Don't we try and teach young kids things don't work that way? Bye bye layaway, credit cards are way better.

Television is on phones, on demand, over the internet, and on slingbox. You should never miss a thing today. Television on the cell phone? Is that really needed? Nope, but it is convenient and why not have everything we want at our fingertips. Surely that doesn't set any kind of bad habits.

I know I fall victim to many of these luxuries but I'm not nearly as bad as some. Sometimes I just wish we could slow the world back down. Savor our experiences. Soak in the simple pleasures of life. Realize that ten minutes really isn't that long of a time, and that the difference between that and five minutes won't kill you in regards to anything. But alas, we have already become accustomed to instant gratification in all aspects of our lives. Can we ever go back?

Cell Phone Etiquette

I have a love/hate relationship with the cell phone. The convenience it provides is a great thing. The fact that people expect you to be reachable at all time is annoying. The cell phone simply affords me the opportunity to be available if I so choose. That is all. But I was just thinking of some rules or thoughts people should consider when using their phones.

1. Multiple calls in short period of time is annoying and unnecessary. Voice mail is there for a reason. Emergency is maybe the only exception to this rule.

2. Text messaging in excess or forwarding. First make sure the person you are sending messages has unlimited texting. More than 2 forwards a week is too many. Send that ish to my email if you have to.

3. Text Conversation. If it takes more than 5 back and forth texts then just call. Is talking really that bad? Or maybe it is just talking to me is that bad. Oh, and if you are in a place that you can't talk, then you probably don't need to be sending texts either.

4. Text part 2. If you are talking to someone either in person or on your cell phone texting someone else is extremely rude. If someone is talking to you in person do you like them to just mid conversation start talking to someone else?

5. Car calls. Don't spend an entire ride with someone on your damn cell phone. No one wants to sit there in silence while you have a conversation. I hate when I see three or four people in a car all on cell phones. Why are you together?

6. Courtesy on a date is to keep your phone on vibrate especially if it goes off a lot regularly. Also, don't check the phone more than twice while on a date (that is if you are interested in the person you are with).

7. If you are on the phone with other people while in someone elses company, you don't need to be around that person. They obviously don't interest you.

8. Don't talk on the phone while having dinner with someone.

9. Blocking your number to get someone to answer the phone is childish. That ish goes strait to voice mail anyways if it says private.

10. For safety, not texting while driving or conducting a train. Your text may make it through but you on the other hand may not (I say this like I don't do it).

This is just common courtesy. Please use.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What is In a walk?

So the last couple of weeks I've been watching how men walk. This may say something about me, but it was spurned on by this black man that works in my building. This man got the coolest pimp walk. He is on it hard. Player shoulder hits about a 15 degree lean as he walks. Then when he speaks to me he is always like "What up young blood!" That is some classic ish for you right there. The other event that got me going was watching President Obama walk into a basketball game a month or so ago. This all got me to thinking whether or not this was just a black man's thing? The pimp walk, swagger, strut, ...

Of course I had to do some in field observation. Unfortunately I mainly work around whites in the building I'm in. I've also looked while out and about. The conclusion I have come to is that white men have a much stiffer walk. No real style to it. A couple had a little swagger but overall most didn't. A couple of Asians I saw really had no swagger either. I only have a small sample space to go off of.

So where does this come from? Me personally, I remember perfecting me a stride back in my younger day. Just thought it was cool or the thing to do. Had to have a little hitch in your stride you know. It's real funny cause I have had people ask if something was wrong with my leg! Cracks me up thinking about it. Now though, it is almost like a natural thing. Caught myself in the yard the other day just dapping like I was walking through the club or something. And I know when I feel good or feel like I'm dressed open casket fresh, I'm walking around like I'm the ish! Like Kanye, can't tell me nuthin'.

I've come to see that women notice this kind of thing. My Aunt tells me I walk just like my pops. So is this just a black man thing or what?

Monday, March 23, 2009

AIG - After It's Gone ...

You can't be trying to take it back. This of course is in reference to AIG and all the "outrage" about bonuses people their are owed. I think a majority of the people in this country would want money they are owed. If you take a job or remain at a job because of a contractual agreement to be paid some amount of money you would expect that money to be paid if you meet your obligation. Many of the bonus' at AIG are retention bonuses. These are given if you remain at a company over an agreed upon time period. This bonus has nothing to do with performance. Whether you agree with this practice or not doesn't matter. They are given in hopes that critical people remain in difficult times or in transition. If their performance is not up to par during this period then fire their ass. If you don't, pay them what they are due. The money they are owed should be part of that company's operating cost. Why Americans are mad at these people for getting what they are due is beyond me. Most of us would want ours. I know I would and America's anger wouldn't make me lose one bit of sleep.

Any anger that is there should be directed towards Congress. Yet they are managing to turn this around on the executives and AIG. They (Congress) rushed the bill that gave them the money with the stipulation in it which says the bonuses can be paid from those funds. It has also been shown that many of those in the administration and congress are former employees of companies that have received bailout money and have friends who probably are getting these bonuses. Geithner was the head of the NY Federal Reserve which gave the first bail out money. They were informed (depending on who you believe). Yet he didn't know? OooooK. Then he says he didn't know until the 10th of March, but there is footage of someone directly asking him about said bonus' at least a week in advance. He is a liar. Most of them are. Our treasury secretary doesn't even want to pay his own taxes. Or he made a mistake. But surely that would make him unqualified to be over the treasury right? How he got the job and still has it at this point seem questionable. Hope he is as valuable as they say. I will continue to pray for him to make good decisions for this country. Anyways, both parties have received millions in contributions from these companies and AIG in particular. None of this strikes us as odd?

But it is taxpayer money. Okay, renegotiate with those people about their money. Don't just tell them they can't have it. And if it is about waste, let us look at Congress and how much they blow with pointless trips and meals. Before Obama first spoke to Congress some of them waited in excess of 8 hours to get good seats. That is good spending of our money though. These people are funny. Taking this as a chance to grand stand and point fingers.

How about we just gut congress and start fresh? This all goes back to Congress and the administration making a mistake in the first place. Own up to it. If any normal person lends someone money and they don't spend it how they thought it would be spent you can't just tell them they can't do that. The money is gone at that point. But no, we are going to let government do whatever they want. Forget the sanctity of a contract as a legal document. We are the government, we do what we want. No one sees this as a problem? But hey, they rushed TARP through and the second stimulus bill. See what that is getting us? Surely there will be more stories of money going places citizens wouldn't want it. We already see companies AIG owed double dipping because they got money directly from the bailout and now indirectly from debt owed to them from AIG. I guess the best solution is to rush something else through congress to fix their mistake because rushing has worked so well in the past. They use fear and anger marvelously. Already these huge bills are just becoming common and we are desensitized to the amounts. It is just like, "oh, they are spending another trillion. Okay."

Fortunately today I heard something from our president along the lines of let us not pass something in haste because of anger. I am writing this post out of anger/frustration. Frustration because people think it is okay to say someone can't have something they are contractually obligated to receive. I don't care who gave the money. They are owed that money. And then for that money to amount to such a small percentage of the total given (.001%). Whether or not these people get their money won't cause them to recover faster or slower. It just looks good to not let them have and makes those of us who are struggling feel better.

The government felt/feels compelled to bail out AIG. Part of that includes money owed to employees just the same as money owed to other companies AIG is in debt to. They didn't want to pay that then they should have stipulated that money could not go there or not bail them out. But we have to bail them out? Really? Are they sure? Do they really understand how all this works? They don't have time to understand the damn legislation they write themselves.

Monday, March 16, 2009

One more thing on monkeys

This was just so unbelievable to me when I saw it in the base paper where I work that I had to share. I really thought this was a joke, but apparently people really pay money for this stuff. A lot of money.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hit a woman? I'm just saying, I understand.

In light of all the Chris Brown, Rihanna talk out there, this seems like a good time to express my views on the topic of hitting a woman. Beating a woman in no situation is okay. Hitting a woman on the other hand... Well I don't condone this but at the same time in some instances when a man is provoked, I understand. I personally have never hit a woman and hope that I never do. I've witnessed abuse and know of some who have been abused and it is sickening to me. Makes me want to go open up a can on someone. After I read what allegedly happened to Rihanna, if Chris Brown would have seen me it would have been on and poppin'.

But today women want to be equal and independent. Cool. So this same train of thought should apply to a wide variety of areas. I feel like this. If your ass wants to take on the role of a man and act like a man by putting your hands on a man with punches (or however).... If he halls off and pops you one good time... I understand. Being a woman gives you no more right to put your hands on someone in a violent manner. I say a man should grab your ass or give you a good shake before hitting you, but if he takes another route... It is not like a man can call the cops. He shouldn't have to. That isn't manly. Cops would laugh at your ass. You could end up like this cat though: (if you don't go to the link, basically this man was stabbed with scissors in the head and then stabbed with a knife in the neck) He could have died. Now after she stabbed him in the head, maybe she needed a good punch to calm her ass down. Don't know what I would have done but it would take a lot for you to get a second chance to stab me.

I'm just saying that women need to conscious of their actions as well. No one should be putting their hands on anyone else. If ya'll get to that point then you need to walk away till you are calm enough to talk things out. If you can't do that and your relationship has physical altercations then that relationship needs to end. And please don't get it twisted, I am not for hitting a woman. I pray that I never will.


Webster's definition of illegal: not according to or authorized by law : unlawful , illicit ; also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)

That right there to means to send all their asses back where they came from and don't pass GO! And if it was up to me, they would never be eligible to come back. They would at the least have to wait a long time to apply to come to America. I'm not sure kids they have while in America should be granted citizenship either. Should something legal come from that which was ILLEGAL?

How are people defending this behavior? I can't manage to get past the fact that they are ILLEGAL! There was/is talk of granting citizenship or some legal status to those that are already here in America. Give them money, credit cards, sanctuary, etc... What the hell? Umm... They are ILLEGAL. If I break the law am I suddenly going to go scott free with no punishment? Yeah right. My black ass would be hemmed up somewhere.

I ask about those going through the process legally. I have a friend that has had trouble working and going to school because of their citizenship status. But at least they are trying to do things the legal way. Anything short of kicking those who have broken the law out makes a mockery of the process of coming to America.

Most importantly, those who hire and profit from these illegals should be heavily fined and/or jailed. You sell stolen goods, what happens? All of this really comes down to money. Too many people have profited from the cheap labor provided by ILLEGAL aliens. But money is always one of the biggest reasons to break the law. Apparently this doesn't apply if you are in the right circles where your law breaking can be justified and overlooked.

I admit that I speak on this somewhat ignorant of the other side of the argument, but it's hard to justify ILLEGAL actions. Especially when a legal process for this sole purpose. I say let's start deporting people by plane, train, bus, car, or foot.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Infedelity - A moral question.

I've always wondered if you know of someone cheating should you tell? Most people hat I have talked to about this say no it's not your place. Yet depending on the situation and your relation to the cheater could or could not make a difference for you. Then there is always the question of whether you would want a friend to tell you if someone was cheating on you. Part of me says that a real friend would ell you and that friendship would survive. I mean, how would you feel if you found out later that they knew and didn't tell you? You need proof? Well with these damn camera phones you can be caught up in minutes.

Really I just wanted to pose a situation that I caught wind of from someone. Hearing the story made me realize we all have some moral line that exists for us and where that line lies differs. Basically, let's say that your close friend is dating a married person. They are in fact openly dating this person. Often when you and your friend hang out the married person they are dating shows up. So you basically end up hanging out with them. What would you do?

Now I have to say that I feel pretty strongly about marriage and being faithful. If I ever get married, I hope that I don't go down that road. First off though, I hope that no one I consider a close friend would be in this type of situation. I think that it would make me question their morals and whether this is the type of person I want as a close friend. I mean, if you have a friend hat you know is a thief, do you remain their friend? A drug dealer? All depends on your moral line. My friend would be getting a mouthful from me on a regular basis about them dating someone who is married. Furthermore, all that overlapping of time with the married person and the times we hang out would have to stop. Or we would have to stop hanging out, if I still wanted to be around the person.

Maybe I sound like I'm above this behavior, but I'm not. I myself have cheated. Yet some forms of cheating are harder for me to stomach. My moral cheating line is crossed when someone does it repeatedly as if they are not in a relationship or if you basically have a relationship with multiple people who are unaware you have multiple girlfriends. But a simple vacation fling or similar, while it is wrong, I wouldn't question our friendship or want to tell on you. In the end I'm not sure when if ever I would tell. Never have. I had a friend tell me my girl was cheating once, and I never was mad at him. So maybe I should be like that.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I created an email address so that any comments on the posts can be sent there. The address is I realize you can’t leave comments on here without registering so if you email your comments I will then post them on the blog. I’d love to hear other thoughts on the subjects that I bring up here or get suggestions on other topics. Hearing other viewpoints is a great way to learn and grow. Also, feel free to pass the blog on to anyone you think may be interested in reading/commenting. I enjoy doing this and would like to open it up more to conversation rather than just my thoughts. Regardless, the blog will continue.


Jewel’s Seed.

Big Brother

Don’t know why I haven’t posted on this topic before, but it is something I feel pretty strongly about. I was fortunate in my life to have men to help guide me growing up. They had no obligation to me in any way, just the goodness of their heart to take time out of their lives and spend it with me. Some had families of their own, but treated me as a son or brother. My appreciation for the roles they played in my lives is hard to put into words. In the moment, I didn’t fully realize and appreciate the things that they did for me. When I first got out of school I started doing Big Brothers Big Sisters. For me it was a natural step looking back at my upbringing. Giving back in the way I received in a way feels like me showing my appreciation to those who were there for me.

The experience of working with one of these children is a very rewarding experience. It is not something that has to take up a lot of your time or money. They only ask for a couple of hours out of the month. Part of my motivation is because of the view I have of young black men in our society. I feel they need role models because often they lack that presence. How can I complain and critique what goes on in my community if I am doing nothing? One of my resolutions this year is to get back involved in the program. I’ve gotten one person that I know of to participate in the program. I hope others who read this will think about it or suggest the program to others. Our role models should not be athletes and entertainers. We need role models that are more tangible to the eyes of the youth. People who have taken the more common paths in life and are successful contributors to society.

For many my words may ring hollow because who am I? I’m not famous. Have no real voice or platform to speak from. Now that we have more respected minorities in power calling for service, hopefully the message will hit home for more people.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chimp to Guerrilla

First off, I had to go look up how to spell guerrilla. Akeelah would kick my ass.

Of course everyone is now aware of the chimpanzee incident and the NY Post cartoon which followed. As for the incident, what the hell would make a person think having a 200lb chimp as a pet makes sense? They are like 2x the strength of humans. You should never have a pet which if things go bad you can't handle. If any of my friends or anyone I know has a pet like this, I'm not going in your damn house. I know this is ignorant to say, but these people could not have been black. Although we are starting to do more and more of the things one would tend to think blacks don't do.

Now for the Post. WTF. This magazine first of all is all about shock journalism and things like that so to give them too much credit is a mistake. This is the same paper that had "A-Hole" on the front. The person who drew the cartoon could be racist, but I don't know and don't think so. I really think they were just trying to get attention and sell papers at a time when papers aren't doing so well. But, to try and justify it as if people wouldn't associate the chimp with the president is trying our intelligence. Someone at the paper thought about what someone might infer from the picture. True, Obama did not write the bill but the bill is associated with him and everyone knows that. That stimulus bill will define his presidency. So I don't believe for a second they didn't figure someone would take that cartoon that way. If they wanted to poke fun at congress they could have had more chimps, or put a sign on the chimp with congress written on it. The whole thing just lacked taste. Because of the history with blacks and monkeys they could have picked a different animal even though the chimp story was out there.

Honestly I'm not upset though. Not offended either. For those who are, I understand. I'm just tired of every time something happens black people making it into something big. Or how the world is against us and blah blah blah... Sometimes it is very necessary for us to take note of these things. Obama is the president people. He is going to get jabs from people. Everyone doesn't love the man or think he is the greatest thing ever. Bush was hated. Bush got drawn as a monkey. Bush got called many things. Same for Clinton and any other president. It comes with the job. So before you get all riled up about this cartoon I just challenge you to look at some of the things that have been drawn about other presidents? Other things said about other presidents? If this is so far out of the ordinary and not close to things that have been done before, then outrage is warranted. I just think at some point we have to move past these things even upsetting us. Hell, instead of boycotting these advertisers, take your ass to a school and volunteer. Use that effort to do things to better black communities. Just like with the Imus thing. Big to do about some comments (which honestly I was thinking those girls looked rough the night before) from a show but what perspective did you have of the man's show? I listened to him later and he says crap like that about all kinds of things. Pretty intelligent and kind of funny at times actually. The same thing can go for the sermons of Pastor Wright. Can't just take clips of a sermon and judge the whole man from that. You have to get some context.

I wonder at times what it is like to be a white person in this country. Are the comments, statements, and actions of whites held to the same standards as others? I challenge you to listen to comments your friends make. Listen to what radio personalities say that are minorities. Think about the callers to talk shows and what they say. Then think about would that be accepted coming from a white person about another race. I'm not saying it should be okay for them to say all things, but at the same time it shouldn't be okay for minorities to get a pass either.

The Post should be ashamed, but that is what they do. People should feel however they do, but keep it moving. Don't buy the paper anymore. This isn't worth some kind of movement. It isn't something to look at and say this is how they do blacks. Everything isn't because someone is black. But people will take it that way and continue to carry the baggage with them into their day to day lives. This only fuels their beliefs. Whites will continue to think blacks just make everything racist. And that is why we will never in my lifetime move past racism.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is the dream achieved?

With recent events, the election of Obama, I have noticed many people saying Dr. King's dream has been achieved. That, according to the speech that I read, is not the dream. It may serve as a nice symbol or moment to point to in order to show the dream has been achieved but that is it. I actually thought the dream had been achieved for years now. After recent conversations and things I have heard or read, I believe that maybe I was naive in my thoughts. When I read that speech last week I took from it that the dream Dr. King had in mind was one of equality for all people. Equality that equates to opportunity in all facets of life. So if by some miracle, McCain had won this past election would not the dream still have been achieved? I believe so.

I bring this up because in a sense I believe this does a disservice to what Dr. King and others fought for. The main focus was definitely in regards to black and white relations, yet the idea of the dream is all inclusive.

So I thought to myself, have I felt held back because of my color? Have I ever felt I couldn't do something because I was black? No. Did I feel it may be more difficult? Yes. Was that an accurate feeling that I have? No one can say, but it is definitely how I have felt. But that feeling has only motivated me to work harder so why not carry that with me? The thing to me is that we carry these burdens along with us in life and they affect us. How can we leave racism (and yes I know that blacks can't technically be racist but you get the point) behind and move forward if we continue to carry it? I've experienced some racism and I have probably made other things into racism that were not. Racism does exist, but not in everyone.

What we need to do in this country is stop being afraid to talk candidly about race with each other. I heard today the new attorney general say words along this train of thought. How can you understand another race if you don't communicate open and honestly with them? People are afraid to say how they feel or think and say why. If you are white and you think blacks are lazy, then say that and back it up with why you feel that way. If you are black and you think whites try and hold you down or whatever, then express that. Have these conversations with people of all races but be respectful of the other persons opinion. The goal would not be to change ones thoughts but to give them food for thought. It may not hit either of you for days after the conversation. Wouldn't you rather know where a person is coming from whether than speculate and have that affect the way you view a person? I talk with my coworkers about things such as my conversation about church with them. Since then I have really had a better understanding of how others may think, and at the same time I realized some things about myself. This is growth. Government can't force race relations to go any farther than they have. We all work together in diverse environments, but away from work how diverse is your life? Do you worship with other races? Invite a mix of races into your home at the same time?

It would be nice if we continue to move forward toward truly achieving Dr. King's dream. Take the dream further than he ever imagined.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Scrooge

This is by far the most pointless holiday there is every year. When it rolls around my eyes roll right around with it. Does anyone even know who this Valentine is supposed to be? Well, I read up a few years back and basically there is no one guy. Hallmark and friends did a great job of ballooning this day into what it has become. Kids want cards and candy so they don't feel left out at school, women want flowers to show off or feel loved, and men are stuck trying to do something just to keep the peace in their relationship. So tomorrow some will perform grand gestures, some small and thought, and others the simple flower, candy and dinner routine. I am usually one to say that things go both ways, but this day is completely driven by women's desire for some "romance" or sign of love on this day. Society has brainwashed many women into thinking their man has to do something on this day if he truly cares. In fact, many women understand the silliness of this concept but still can't help wanting something on Valentine's day or they will feel slighted in some way.

Now I am pretty sappy and romantic for the average guy, but I refuse to be told when to show my love. I'd rather show mine year round. If you only get treated well or shown romance on Valentines Day (or bday, christmas, etc...) then you have a problem in your relationship anyways. Everything the day supposedly stands for should be shown 365 no just for one 24. Another problem I see in this whole holiday is that I think many people have romance built up into this whole grand thing. Romance doesn't have to be what you see on tv or in the movies. Romance is what you and your partner make it. Take a walk, cook a meal, read a book, hold hands, etc... Recognize the things your partner does that make you feel loved. Don't take those things for granted. Things like keeping up the lawn, keeping the cars clean and running, paying bills, listening to you, massages, telling you how nice you look when you don't feel that way, and all the things you know he does because he knows you like it. You have all these little things then you really have so much.

Maybe I am crazy or weird, but let me explain some of the things that are sexy and romantic to me. This also may make me sexist or old fashioned but in my best Redman voice, "I'll be that!" My girl cooking a meal for me, fixing my plate, giving me a pedicure, rubbing my head, working out, damn I love a woman that works out, keeps up her appearance, watches the game with me, ... man I'm getting a little excited thinking about this stuff. Oh and a woman that knows when I don't feel like talking and just leaves me be (shuts up). Well that really doesn't exist but I'm hoping some woman remembers that and her man benefits.

I know this will be read after the holiday goes by but I hope no one is disappointed and enjoys themselves regardless. Ladies stop expecting gifts during this inflated price period (yeah I'm cheap but 70 bucks for flowers that die in 3 days is dumb). Expect and recognize love you get everyday in your relationship.

Quick Thought

Wrote my valentines entry by hand while I was sitting somewhere and man was my wrist and hand hurting. This made me realize that I never write anymore. Got me thinking back to when I was in school having to write papers by hand, double spaced. Now I love my mom, but I hated for her to check my work back then. She has some serious hang up about paying attention to detail cause there was no turning a paper in with a scratched out word, eraser mark, or white out. Nope, not with this woman. I don't know how many papers I had to write over for one mistake on a page. This may have been the start of my foul mouth cause when I got near the end of a page and made a mistake all kinds of words came out my mouth (under my breath though). So God, for many reasons I just want to say thank you for computers. This writing stuff is for the birds.


Be easy on the speeding out there. I have been seeing a lot of cops out lately. I guess they need revenue right now with the recession and everything. Plus I read an article about how they are raising the fines on tickets in some places. Just wanted to put that out there.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Black History

I have always found it odd that black history month fell in the shortest month of the year. Just seemed like another way to disrespect blacks in this country. Ergo, my ignorance pronouncing itself once again. Something I will tell you, and claim, often occurs. Turns out that Mr. Carter G. Woodson established this month in honor of Abe Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Both of whom were born in the month of February. Don’t know if everyone else new this, but I thought that I would share.

Anyways, we have reached this time of year when we once again reflect on the contributions of those from African American descent. I think this is an important month and time to make all aware of a history that is often forgotten or ignored in history books. It is a shame that Black history simply does not come from the study of American history, but it does not. At least in my time in school it was not. But I think the saying goes something like, “history favors those who tell it.” Of course we know who has written most of the history books we study in public school. The impression you could get simply from history in the text often is that blacks mainly contributed labor (a very important part) to the building of this nation. Or how blacks were treated similarly to cattle and they were uneducated. It is no wonder that often blacks are viewed in a somewhat negative light (along with many other things).

Blacks have a rich culture that should be known by all. The same should go for all races that are a part of this country’s history. These things should be taught as a part of American History. You want to improve education, well include an all encompassing view of this country’s history that emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of all races. It could just be me that took these impressions from history class growing up. I remember hearing about melting pots and yada yada… Yet it still felt like white America with others playing minor roles.

This month is what we have to celebrate African American history and ensure it is recognized as it should be. It is our individual effort that will help these facts become common knowledge by retaining, sharing, and attaining the information learned this month. We should educate our children when our text books come up short and exclude or mislead the black contribution in history. If we do not, history will never equally reflect all.

Monday, January 26, 2009

President Obama

There is a song on Young Jeezy's album that I have suddenly fallen in love with: My President. I just like the first part of the hook, "My president is black". Its just nice to be able to make that statement. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not a big fan of Obama nor was I excited/overwhelmed/etc... about the inauguration. There is just a sense of pride in the fact that this day has come.

I can't imagine how those that paved the way for this are feeling right now. So many suffered and fought in this country, a country where they were treated as second class citizens. I'm so happy for those like my mother and others in her generation who experienced hate just because of their skin color. I see photos of my elders crying and it truly touches me.

For the black community, I hope that this moment inspires. If you felt there was a ceiling for you before, then maybe now you will feel that ceiling is no longer there, or it is higher, or it's something you can simply push through. Hopefully many will see Obama and his family as role models. A successful black family and it is not the Cosby's! Maybe now the rest of the world will view American Blacks differently. The "Change" that I hope for is in the black community. President Obama can't do that.

To Barack Hussein Obama II, I send my prayers out to you and your family. I wish you the best in these next four years. Your success will mean success for this country in coming out of tough times. Every true American wants that. And with majorities in both the House and Senate you have the opportunity to leave your imprint on this country for years to come. God Bless You!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

From Republican to Race conversation

Now I have stated before that I am new to politics so there is much that I do now know or understand. I work with all republicans. They also happen to all be christian and white. I constantly mess with them about losing the past election and about being republican. They try and pull me over to Republican thought a.k.a. the darkside. I don't care for either party more than the other. Anyways, I was asked why I'm not republican or what I think about them. I have stereotypes about them. The joke I say is old crusty whites are republicans. I began to tell him that fiscally I tend to agree more with republicans, but socially not. He wanted me to elaborate. I told him that I perceive that most republicans are just like they are. They see the world as all rosy right now and that if as an individual you work hard you will be fine in life simple as that. You get what you work for. An idea that I agree with and want as everyone's attitude and belief. The problem I said is that everyone is not playing on a level field. So because of that I think more money or efforts need to be put into certain rural and urban areas, and not just for blacks. Also hiring practices and things need to be monitored. This is where the conversation got going.

They say that you get hired off of your efforts and resume. I said I disagree somewhat. There is some nepotism that exist out there. I then said that people hire and want to work with people they are comfortable with and relate to. I believe that if there are equally qualified candidates and one is white, one black and one mexican that the white would get the job. I should have extended it to an equal pool of people of all the races and said that more whites than the other two pools would get hired. Of course, they did not agree. And I don't think they are racist and maybe they are right it would be no factor. So I brought up college football. 119 top level schools and only 5 black coaches. I said in a sport with a lot of black players and coaches only that many are head coaches. So I asked, if it is not racist then what is it? My coworker responded that he didn't think when Alabama hired coach Saban that they cared what color he was but that they thought he could win the most games. Okay I said, then what about Auburn? They hire a guy who in the two years he was coach at a school the team got worse. Turner Gill, a black coach, turns around a program in a few years and wins his conference and has a winning record gets interviewed and doesn't get the job. How he didn't get the job over that guy is beyond me if it had nothing to do with race. Again he is basically saying that is who they thought was best but they are just stupid. I brought up Notre Dame and how they extend a white coach to a ten year deal, but did nothing and fired there black coach. At the time of the extension the coaches had the same record. One got an extension and one didn't. I said I don't know if it was racist, but it is interesting. He also said they were stupid and are now paying for it. Then it gets to him saying that there aren't enough qualified candidates maybe or that all the good black coaches go to the NFL for money. I said no that there are plenty of black assistant coaches, coordinators and position coaches in college football. I said the Auburn guy goes out and hires like 5 to his staff. I said so they are good enough to coach the team in many areas but never improve enough to be head coaches while the white coaches do improve to be head coaches? He threw in a well there you have it they have black coaches on the staff. Now I almost lost it here but it is my job so I remained calm. I simply told him being on the staff is not the same as being in charge. But he kept going back to what I think of as the republican attitude, that if they were the best coach and candidate to give the school a chance to win they would get hired. And I kept saying it is odd to me that in all those jobs with so many blacks out there coaching only that many make it to be head coaches. I also included other races. So then I started saying that by default, you are saying that the black coaches are not good enough (qualified) to be in charge. He says no, but I repeat what he said and that is that the best get hired and therefore the black coaches must not be good enough. After a while he just says so how many would be enough. I don't know, if I have to give a number it should at least have two digits in it. My other coworker ask what percent of America is black. Somehow we just through 30 out there and I pointed out that percent was no where near 5/119.

I tried to take this same attitude and apply it to corporate America. They all still felt the same way. I told them my point in bringing up college was that the people in charge and a lot of the boosters are of one race and they happen to be white. And whites get the coaching jobs. Is it racist? I don't know, but there has to be something there. I said the same goes for corporate America. Because of slavery, we started off on the bottom floor and all those in power were white. So I just ask, why would the same sort of thing not take place in other areas of life be it that they are racist or not? Is it that there just are enough qualified blacks and we aren't as good as the whites? I told them by their thinking that has to be what it is, because if you are deserving and qualified you get the job. I don't think they got what I was saying. Maybe if you are reading you don't either. To them racism really isn't a problem anymore. Of course, look at who is president came up at some point. Not that I didn't know when he was running that from this point forward no one will care what reasons you may try and have because the president is mixed. One person getting through doesn't fix anything or many the problem is solved.

In a last ditch effort, before we left for the day I asked them all if there church was predominantly white. They said yes. And I said mine was predominantly black. Then I said that I don't think any of you are racist and neither am I nor are your churches. But, in a place that is supposed to represent the most important aspect of our life, we remain segregated. So if it is not racism then what is it? They kind of had blank looks on their faces for a second as they thought. Then they asked me if I thought it was because of racism. I said no, and I don't really know why. I know there is a history to it, but if everything is so rosey as they say then surely this area of our lives would not be so heavily separate. I told them that I thought it was a comfort thing. And to me, if in this area we remain separate for whatever reason, why would it not be fair to think that this phenomena would not spread over into other parts of society like corporate America? Between us no one had a good reason why church was like that and they just pointed out they had invited me to church before and that all people are welcome they just seem not to come back. Then my coworker as we were walking out talked about their pastor search. He said he was sure there were no blacks applying and wondered if they would even truly consider a black pastor at his church. He knows that it wouldn't happen. Then we discussed ways churches could change this by coming together across racial lines with things like the youth doing things together. What I should have said but didn't because I had thrown a lot out there that day, was that at your predominantly white church they would have trouble following someone of another race. They may not be racist, but something does still remain here in America.

I know this was long, but I just wanted to hit most of the highlights. It was just so interesting to me talking to them about this stuff. Me being the lone black, and them all white. I'm always throwing stuff out there. I threw in stuff about me and cops (which one said he gets pulled over, and I responded like dude I've had a gun in my face twice for nothing and been in cuffs several times for nothing.) and racist experiences. Not sure if they can understand how these things can shape my view of the world but its nice to have a forum and people I can discuss this stuff with.

Is heaven segregated?

I know it sounds outrageous and ridiculous because surely heaven is not. But look at society today. Where and when is the country most segregated? Sunday morning at church. So if we Christians don't interact and mix here on earth with our religion, and we hopefully will make it to heaven, will our souls behave differently? This question is more of a look at a way we worship rather than something I'm concerned with a true answer to. But if a good answer is there I love to hear it.

The division in church became apparent to me at a young age but I just accepted it because it was what I knew and grew up in. Then I read a book given to me by a coworker that breached the topic and got my mind going again. Also yesterday I had a conversation with my coworkers about this (I love working with Christians who are open with their faith by the way). That conversation started off Republican/Democrat talked but evolved into this. I will recap that conversation in the next entry because I found it to also be very interesting and maybe you will as well.

I really can't think of a "good" reason for the separation of race in church. I have attended white churches, Puerto Rican churches, etc... and they have all be friendly and invited me to come back and worship with them again. The fact that I/we can at times even label churches, as _____ church says a lot to me. So is it about our comfort? The style of church? A refuge from a racist or integrated society? Around people who look like us we can then be ourselves? Or is it just nice to be around people that look like you?

The Bible, according to this book, does not speak of race but rather of nations and groups of people based on geography and ancestry. We have taken those descriptive differences and run with them. We are all God's children, yet we choose not to worship in a manner that reflects that. So then are Christians racist on some low or unconscious level? Churches have historically preached and justified racist attitudes with justification from their Biblical interpretations. At those periods good Christians somehow believed these preachings. In hindsight we can see how absurd some of those things were. Will the future look back at the division in church now and think the same about us? (Although we are living in the last days and have been since I can remember, at least according to my mom and grandmother).

If we are to be a beacon of God, what our we then showing the world? Surely this is not what He wants. I wonder how many churches consisting predominantly of one race has a pastor of another race? Or when a church searches for a pastor are there any viable candidates outside the churches dominant race? Of all the churches that I have been to, non-denominational churches seem to be the most progressive when it comes to the racial mixture of the congregation. (Non-denominational - Ummm.., by being non-denominational aren't you a denomination? Really makes no sense. Might as well have a name like Methodist.)

So maybe it is just the style in which we worship. Blacks seem a bit more passionate and interactive than other races, but I have been to churches of other races that were very similar to what I grew up in. After our conversation, my coworker sent me this article:

I just think Christians need to work to change this phenomenon. Segregation by color is not of God. If we change, maybe this could bring about change in our attitudes towards each other and spread throughout society. Then again, I'm not sure if that is realistic. At least not in my lifetime.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

No ply toilet paper!!

Okay, I am generally the type to try and handle my business at home. I like to relax and get comfortable and not have someone next to me doing the same thing and hearing there noises. Not a pleasant experience. Sometimes you just can't wait till you get home like the other day when I was at work. Fortunately the bathroom had just been cleaned. We don't have any toilet covers at my job so I line the seat before I sit down. Don't understand how people do otherwise. So as I go to pull out some toilet paper it just keeps breaking before I can even get one square. This paper is so thin. Imagine the tissue paper used for gifts, and then think of something half as thick. It's like a veil you can see through it so easy. Are you really saving money with that stuff? Cause I'm going to use four times as much just to make it like regular paper. Took me forever just to cover the damn toilet. Now imagine what happens when you finish your business. I know it is a bad thought but, if something is that thin and you are wiping your butt.... That just pisses me off. I guess I need to bring in my own toilet paper. But really, how cheap can you be?

Proud to be an American?

I have been hearing this phrase a good bit after the election on radio, tv, and from friends. And honestly it really bothers me. In some instances I’m sure that pride spoken of was there before and the fact that a milestone was reached only made them more proud. But I am also sure that others just developed this pride in America. What the hell? America is far from perfect, but to only now be proud because a multi-racial American is the next president, why? Has America before now not provided us with opportunities and freedoms? Pride should come from the fact that you can openly criticize the government! You can openly practice any religion! It baffles me and angers me when I hear such sentiments. People take for granted what has become expected as the norm in our country. But these rights that we expect here in America, are desired and wished for in many places around the world. It is fine to disagree and be upset with actions the government takes, but to lose pride in our country loses sight of how great this country in fact really is. So if you really think it is so bad or there is better elsewhere, please leave!

If you have lost pride in America, it should be in the citizens of this country. Our apathy will be our downfall. To be the champ and remain the champ, you must work like a champ. This is where I believe we have fallen short. Too many expect the “American” Dream, rather than strive and work for it. Where is our pride in workmanship? Parenting? Education? Our economy and markets depend on the citizens to prosper. Have we done our part to be better than the rest of the world? I don’t think in recent years we have. Citizenship does not afford you 40 acres and a mule, but it gives you the opportunity to go and attain your 40 acres and a mule. Now is the time to wake up and “change” our attitudes. Quality American workers and products. Invest in America, i.e. buy American. Dependency on other countries only weakens ours.

Every American should be proud to be an American. For whites or others out there who may have lost pride because we have a multi-racial president, I feel sorry for you. For blacks and others who feel a sudden pride, I wonder about you. It is a shame to me that blacks suddenly feel like they can do and accomplish things now and haven’t felt that way. But anything that makes my race step up and do better in this country is fine with me.

To the Atheist

Why not God? Is there a better explanation for our existence out there? I certainly don’t know of any. Big Bang and Evolution are a joke to me. When is the last time you saw a monkey/gorilla have a human baby? These explanations are just theories made by man to try and explain what they can’t. But scientists are constantly making theories and then modifying those or disproving them. God is constant, and so is His word.

Simply though, I see it like this. As a believer in God when I die and I have been wrong in my faith what is the worst that can happen? I turn to dust and fertilize a plant some day. But the atheist if proven wrong goes to HELL for eternity. Eternity is a very long time. Seems like an easy choice on what to pick to me.

Furthermore, don’t we all have some of the same fundamental values we would like our kids and ourselves to exemplify? Don’t kill, lie, steal, fornicate, respect elders, etc… Most religions enforce quality values. So why not bring up a child in an environment where people are trying to live with a certain moral code? Especially considering how increasingly liberal society is becoming. Look at all the broken families we have. Church can help fill these gaps. My role models and father figures were men from my church. At least the figures that most would consider to be more positive influences. The youth of today get exposed to more and more each day with all the constant access to information. Why not surround them in an environment that shows a different lifestyle promoting morals, discipline and self-control? Wouldn’t this make for a better society even if you don’t truly believe in God? Let them choose on their own. I wonder though if they don’t believe their parents truly believe, will they?

I wish that everyone believed in God, but that is not realistic. In my eyes, the benefits of believing and practicing faith far outweigh those of not believing. To the atheist, I just ask why not?